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Hurricane Gustav is coming


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for those who live along the gulf coast i hope that you are all taking care with getting to safety if you are in the path of Gustav...where i am we should only see a lot of rain if it does not turn to much from it's current path, but take care, and evac early if necessary...

be safe everyone
i think it's time to rebuild new orleans somewhere else... we'll call it New New Orleans. :(
I have to agree, what i found ironic is that i was watching pbs "this old house" and they are showing rebuilding a shotgun house in NO after Katrina (basically taped a year ago) and now we have gustav that is coming and might wipe it all out again
Wow, that does sound terrible. They say this hurricane will possibly be worse than Katrina! I find it sad that the people living in New Orleans have to go through all this again, just a few years later.
Any of you living in that area, stay safe!
On the brightish side, New Orleans is pretty much a ghost town compared to what it was when Katrina came through. And after all of the sh*t various politicians got after the storm, I think we can expect a better response to whatever happens this time around.

That being said, I think it's a bad idea to build a town anywhere that you have to bury people above ground due to the soggy nature of the soil. If your grandmother is going to come floating downriver after a big storm, you probably shouldn't build your house there.