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I HATE it when people....


Chief Talker
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You know what I cannot stand? I can't stand it when you ask someone a simple question, and they keep elaborating on the topic of it, and won't shut up! :mad: I mean, really. All I asked for was just the answer to my specific question, not every **** detail of the topic! Good grief!
My mom does this all the time, and it just aggrivates me! I'll ask her one simple, small, tiny, only-calls-for-a-short-answer question, and she'll be talking about the whole subject, even though in most cases, the only answer I want is either a "yes" or "no" !
OK, so I was just looking at the topic in that debate forum about if illegal immagrants shoud be allowed to have drivers licences. Out of curiosity for opinion, I asked my mom that question. Instead of an easy yes or no, she started talking about the WHOLE subject, and beyond!! Arrrg!
(about why people come illeagally, blah blah blah) Why do people do that!?! I even have to tell her that enough is enough! :ticked:
Yep ... it is so mournfull ...

I HATE it when people.... throw watermelon on my keyboard!
I HATE it when people.... (systems particularly) does not keep pool of clean keyboards!
I HATE it when people.... who are laughing about my tragedy!
Jusitn does that to me sometimes. I'll ask him a simple computer question, like "What's Java's primary purpose?" and he'll go on about how each program/system has their own niche and blah blah blah. All he really needed to tell me was that it worked with graphics. ::roll eyes:: Granted, he is a software trainer, so it's his job to overexplain, but still. Christ. My eyes just glaze over after a while; even when he can see I'm not listening, and am in fact reading, he'll go on.
I hate it when people ...

... say, "Oh, that's cute," when I show them something I've written. I'd rather be seriously criticized than gently condescended to.

... make racist comments or jokes and then follow them up with long explanations about why they are NOT racists.
Speaking of racist comments and jokes, that reminded me of something that happened last year, exept it was the other way around.... the comment was NOT racist, but someone thought it was....
I used to have this Indian friend, Melvin, who has very dark skin, and looks really good in burgendy/ wine colored shirts. He was wearing it one day, and I told him that the color looked good with his skin. Then, this kid Zach said, "That's racist" Me and Melvin were both telling him that is was not in fact, racist.
Actually, wouldn't it be racsit in a sense to feel funny telling someone of a different race that a shirt looks good with their skin color? That's a complement!!
I moved to New Orleans from the midwest, and racism is rampant here in the South. It's depressing.
That sucks that there's a lot of racisism where you live, Kristin
Thankfully, where I live, it's very culturally diverse, and racisim isn't an issue. Got a kid from a latin country who hardly knows English? No biggiee.
On Today @ 04:48 PM Panache87 had this to say in Post #5
Speaking of racist comments and jokes, that reminded me of something that happened last year, exept it was the other way around.... the comment was NOT racist, but someone thought it was....
I used to have this Indian friend, Melvin, who has very dark skin, and looks really good in burgendy/ wine colored shirts. He was wearing it one day, and I told him that the color looked good with his skin. Then, this kid Zach said, "That's racist" Me and Melvin were both telling him that is was not in fact, racist.
Actually, wouldn't it be racsit in a sense to feel funny telling someone of a different race that a shirt looks good with their skin color? That's a complement!!

Yeah I agree with you. That's not a racist thing to say at all. What would have been racist is if you said something like, "That color looks good on you indian people." That might be taken as racist. people have said things like that to me about a color looking good on me, but I'd never think they are insulting my race. I take it as a compliment! Everyone has a different color to their skin, some are olive toned, some are more pink toned, and some are even a little yellow in skin tone. Different color clothing looks better on one skin color more than another.

I hate it when I am talking to someone about something and they start picking on parts of my sentences and not the topic of the discussion. Like I'd be explaining what happened at work and the person will cut me off to either tell me what I should have done about it, or start asking me about how work is or something completely off topic when I was just about to explain what I did about the issue at work and what happened afterwards. I feel like the person really doesn't want to give me credit for what I already have accomplished, or that they really aren't interested in what I was talking about. I just wated my breath! :no: