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I need some positive thoughts.


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My bff just texted me...our friend is at the dr getting her biopsy results.

Our friend is 40, she has been married 3x. Her first DH was killed in a car accident, her 2nd DH died from cancer while she was pregnant with twins that she subsequently miscarried. She has had 8+ miscarriages in all and she FINALLY had a beautiful baby boy in August after marrying her DH last summer. She has terrible fibroids that were biopsied a couple weeks ago. Yesterday her dr called her to come in for the results, today they changed the appt to a different wing of the hospital & now she has found herself standing in the cancer center at Rush. You'd think her dr would give her a heads up.

I am so worried now. Her life is finally perfect, after waiting for this dream baby for her entire adult life. She cannot have cancer.
:huggy: prayers for her
:huggy: thoughts and prayers for your friend and her family.
Prayers and positive thoughts for your friend, dragonfly :huggy:
She's been through so much already... what a strong person she must be :huggy:
Prayers for your friend. To receive my biopsy results after a thyroidectomy I had to make my appointment at the Cancer Center. I was worried but everything was normal. I had to see my doctor there because it was convenient for him. I hope is the same case with your friend.
Well, it's cancer. :pout: Stage 1, uterine & cervical. She will have a hysterectomy in January. Once they can see inside, they will determine if she needs radiation or chemo.

I haven't talked to her, but she's not too down about it. I think she is thankful to have her son- if they'd started snooping around the fibroids before she got pg, they would've wanted her to have the hysterectomy then, so it's good that she waited.

It's just so unfair. I'm sure being Stage 1 her prognosis is excellent, but she's just been through so much...enough already. She has every reason to want to fight this, and I'm sure she will, but it's just a lot for one lifetime.
dragonfly I'm so sorry. I will keep her in my prayers. :pout:
Prayers for a speedy recovery....glad that it was caught early.
I'm so sorry about your friend. My aunt is currently being treated for stage 3 ovarian cancer. Hopefully since it is stage 1, they can get everything under control & healthy again!
I'm sorry about your friend. Sending good thoughts her way.
I'm really sorry. :pout:

Cancer sux.