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I Went Through The Sound Choice Audit And Came Out Alive

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Skid Rowe

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To begin with, I was not givin a truth serum, I was not givin a lie dector test, and the auditor did not threaten me with a rubber hose.

What I had was a very nice guy from the Sound Choice office. He'd worked with Sound Choice for over 15 years, and was directly involved with producing many of the disks all of us (scratch that) some of us buy.

The prep was fairly easy. I took my disk cases out of the closet. (About 30 seconds) I powered up my computer. (Another 30 seconds) I collected my receipts from a folder in another closet. (About one minute). At that rate I wasn't sure what to charge them for my time.

The auditor and I spent about an hour going over my library. He called out various groups, and checked what songs I had by that group. He then picked a disk number at random and asked to see the original disk. After showing him the disk, he took a photograph of it. We went through about 50 songs and artists, photographing each disk. We didn't worry too much about the Foundations or the Bricks, but kept mainly with the 8100 thru the 8900 Spotlights. I guess he was looking for the obscure or out of print disks to see if I actually had them.

Next we took a quick look at some receipts I had from 2000 to 2009. He took a sampling of pictures of those as well. The whole process took about an hour, but then we took another hour talking about this that and the other. He arrived at 12:00 and was gone by 2:00.As I expected, I passed 100%. For every song he asked for, I showed him the original disk.

For those of you that may think I was compensated in some way, let me assure you, I didn't get nuthun' but the satisfaction of going through the audit process. I knew I wasn't a pirate, but I didn't want them to just take my word on it. I wanted to show them.
Skid Rowe said:
I knew I wasn't a pirate, but I didn't want them to just take my word on it. I wanted to show them.
And that's really all it's worth. YOUR satisfaction. Doesn't prove a darn thing to anyone else, though. But congrats, anyway, I guess.
So why does my satisfaction bother you so much ?

BTW, this whole intent to sue letter must be working. At least in my area. I stopped by a club that had been doing karaoke multiple nights of the week, run by a pirate who was mentioned in the letter. They're not doing karaoke anymore. One more down.
Skid Rowe said:
BTW, this whole intent to sue letter must be working. At least in my area. I stopped by a club that had been doing karaoke multiple nights of the week, run by a pirate who was mentioned in the letter. They're not doing karaoke anymore. One more down.

They're not doing karaoke at all? How is that good for increasing your business? :sqerr:
Thanks Skid Rowe...maybe if the few of us that are computerized and legit keep posting...some people will see this is not a hard or uncomfortable process. I look forward to meeting you in november:tribiggrin:
Moonrider said:
They're not doing karaoke at all? How is that good for increasing your business? :sqerr:

I didn't say anything about helping my business. I just said one less pirate in my area. But now that you mention it, maybe the singers from that club will come down to my club on Saturday night.
okay every last thread on the subject has gone south or H. E. Double matchsticks in a handbasket. I dont see much real room for discussion on the subject at hand and every possible angle has pretty much been touched on and pursued. Lets make effort to stay on course. It is my guess if we do the thread will have maybe five or so more responses.

Good for you Skid I will sleep better at night knowing you put on such a peerformance to satisfy folks once and for all. Every one pat him on the back and then open a new thread if you have anything asides info pertaining to his thread title.
Skid Rowe said:
Next we took a quick look at some receipts I had from 2000 to 2009.

Hmmm the tax man makes you keep recipts 7 years but a SC audit you need the longer?

Skid Rowe said:
BTW, this whole intent to sue letter must be working. At least in my area. I stopped by a club that had been doing karaoke multiple nights of the week, run by a pirate who was mentioned in the letter. They're not doing karaoke anymore. One more down.

I can't believe anyone thinks a bar not doing Karaoke is good for thier business. From what I have seen singers from a particular bar won't migrate somewhere else for the most part
Jeff I beg to differ...here in our area when clubs stop having karaoke the singers do migrate to the closest decent show they can find...our shows in Dunedin have shown a 20% average increase in singers starting in August when 2 other local places "lost" their KJ. We have not attempted to place shows in thoose bars due to atmoshere and location but we are benefiting just the same:triwink:
depleting the potential venues isnt a benefit even if it took out a pirate. One less resource for future consideration. Add that to more in the future and your options become dramatically limited.
Jon Tuck said:
depleting the potential venues isnt a benefit even if it took out a pirate. One less resource for future consideration. Add that to more in the future and your options become dramatically limited.

Don't get ahead of yourself, now. Based on the huge success in previous sweeps, I predict that this venue will now seek out a SC approved KJ and pay him or her double or triple what that filthy pirate made.:trirolleyes:
Big Joe said:
Don't get ahead of yourself, now. Based on the huge success in previous sweeps, I predict that this venue will now seek out a SC approved KJ and pay him or her double or triple what that filthy pirate made.:trirolleyes:

I'm thinkin' that was a touch of irony there.....:triwink:

Skid, If you're happy, I'm happy. However, since you were already given a by because you're a good customer WITHOUT an audit, the result was predetermined. Be happy...
Just wanted everyone to know what the process was. Lets not start another argument over this. My going through the process wasn't just for your information, I wanted to show the other folks in my area that were named in the intent to sue letter, that I was legit. Also, Sound Choice is sending me a letter stating that I am legit, and am not on the intent to sue list. I can show that to other potential bar owners. I couldn't get that without going through the audit.

Going through the Sound Choice audit was for your information.

Going through the Sound Choice audit was for my benefit. (and my own satisfaction).

Deal with it.
Jeff Romard said:
Hmmm the tax man makes you keep recipts 7 years but a SC audit you need the longer?

I can't believe anyone thinks a bar not doing Karaoke is good for thier business. From what I have seen singers from a particular bar won't migrate somewhere else for the most part

Maybe you don't do a very good show. :triwink:
Jon Tuck said:
depleting the potential venues isnt a benefit even if it took out a pirate. One less resource for future consideration. Add that to more in the future and your options become dramatically limited.

Jon, you seemed to over look the "potential" angle - there still IS potential for that club to hire a legal host !! It's now open for Skid or some other legal host to go in their "armed" with a copy of our Safe Harbor site information about hiring legal hosts and their potential liability and submit a business proposal. And if that club ONLY hired someone because they were a cheap undercutting pirate and won't hire a more expensive LEGAL host, well then who does that hurt? The pirate host? Well, I don't think that any legit host or karaoke producer is going to be shedding any tears for them. If it "hurts" the bar who was a contributory infringer and won't abide by acceptable ethical business practices, well again, no tears shed for them either by local legitimate hosts and karaoke producers. Does it make it more inconvenient for the local singers - yes, it might. But, they have the choice of going to another show, increasing the attendence there, allowing the KJ at that show(assuming that he is still in business because he is legit) to charge more for his show because he has more singers. Or the singers can ask/demand that the bar get karaoke in there again and the bar owner can respond by telling the singers that they will need to support him with higher food/drink purchases so that he can afford to have karaoke. Or the bar owner can watch his revenues fall off if he choses to not have legal karaoke and the singers respond by going elsewhere. (The singers need to do their part and support the venue with spending money - there should be no free ride for anyone in the value chain.)

It's all about fair value and making personal and/or business decisions based on REAL economics for the singers, venues, hosts and karaoke producers.

Surely you don't have a problem with this? And if you do, PLEASE enlighten me as to how you see anything wrong with the new dynamics of legitimate hosts getting more money for their shows, venues seeing more singers showing up and getting higher revenues because their competitors are no longer able to benefit from cheap pirate hosts siphoning off business. And of course karaoke producers benefitting form legit hosts purchasing more music so they in turn can continue (or restart, in the case of Sound Choice) producing new songs.

Granted these dynamics don't benefit pirate hosts or contributory infringing venues - but how is that a problem?
JoeChartreuse said:
I'm thinkin' that was a touch of irony there.....:triwink:

Skid, If you're happy, I'm happy. However, since you were already given a by because you're a good customer WITHOUT an audit, the result was predetermined. Be happy...

Joe, you were one of the posters DEMANDING that Skid and Thunder go through an audit. Both Skid and Sound Choice went through this to quiet you and any other doubters of Skid's being legitimate. So, you have a problem with a CUSTOMER (which by definition is someone who BUYS from us) being given a "by"? You make no freaking sense - this is all about those who aren't customers, but pirates. It seems that being able to prove within a reasonable doubt that Skid was legitimate by: 1) examining actual sales records to him, confirming that he was a CUSTOMER and 2) receiving his Audit Acknowledgement (which states that if he does not still have those discs the stakes go much higher) was as legitimate an "audit" process as WE needed to satisfy ourselves. Sorry, but this isn't about YOUR needs, but ours.

However, in an attempt to shut you up, we both went through the process, and now you are saying that it wasn't necessary. What do you really want? I think that (again) I have proven that you are just shooting off your mouth because, well.. IMHO, I think you just want to do that.

Now, do you want Thunder to go through an audit or not? He has already volunteered to bring all his discs and song books for an inspection. Not that we have anything to prove to you, but again, it would confirm our credibility and disprove yours, so it's worth it from that standpoint. Do you want to be present for the inspection? I'll send you an invite when we get the dates set in November.
Jon Tuck said:
okay every last thread on the subject has gone south or H. E. Double matchsticks in a handbasket. I dont see much real room for discussion on the subject at hand and every possible angle has pretty much been touched on and pursued. Lets make effort to stay on course. It is my guess if we do the thread will have maybe five or so more responses.

Good for you Skid I will sleep better at night knowing you put on such a peerformance to satisfy folks once and for all. Every one pat him on the back and then open a new thread if you have anything asides info pertaining to his thread title.

I agree with Jon (at least on this point :triwink:). Unfortunately, SKID, you opened up a new thread rather than closing out the original one on the subject. (Did that one set a new record?) So, maybe you can close out both threads and hopefully, I'll get to meet you in person if you can come visit in November.

I'll be off this site for a while. If there is any other topic which someone thinks needs my attention or LEGITIMATE questions answered, send me a PM and I'll check back in.
Sound Choice said:
Granted these dynamics don't benefit pirate hosts or contributory infringing venues - but how is that a problem?

Ooh, that's a new one. Good term. Nice and dark sounding in a legal sort of way. Looking forward to debating that one.

JoeChartreuse said:
I'm thinkin' that was a touch of irony there.....:triwink:

Yes, a bit of sarcasm was indeed intended, as the original post wasn't without it's own. Just always seems to be the next thing to come out of these

1. "Audit was great!!"
2. "Pirates are gone!!"
3. "Prices are sky high once again!!"
So why does my satisfaction bother you so much ?

It doesn't. I just don't see how or where you have found this satisfaction.

Let me ask you some very simple questions:

If one of your discs had been destroyed by accident - do you believe you still have a right to retain those track's on your computer?

Do you have an obligation to retain detailed receipts of everything you purchase?

The legal answer to first question is YES and to the second question NO.

Had you waited to show them your discs AFTER they filed the suit - your case would be dismissed with prejudice - meaning, they can never sue you on this claim again.

However, what you have done is simply provided them with information they need for their own benefit - while getting nothing for yourself in return.

I would be happy to let SoundChoice come and audit my discs. However, both they and their attorney will be required to sign a legally binding agreement affirming all of my legal rights inherent in the purchased discs, as well as additional terms relieving themselves of any future claims.

What was it again that you were so satisfied with?
Sound Choice said:
Surely you don't have a problem with this? And if you do, PLEASE enlighten me as to how you see anything wrong with the new dynamics of legitimate hosts ...

He was already legitimate without your intervention.

Your premise that I should need a SoundChoice Safe Harbor agreement to run commercial shows is offensive.
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