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If you could, would you go to space?

I've always dreamed of going outside where we call our home, earth. The feeling of going some place beyond everyone's view and understanding I bet is going to be a very memorable experience. I definitely will go on a trip to outside of space if I had the opportunity too.
If I had the opportunity and had certainty that I would return home safe, then yes I would.
If I had the opportunity and had certainty that I would return home safe, then yes I would.
I can relate to your answer. Who wouldn't want to explore and travel outer space? Getting back safely is one of the best things one could ever wish for, if he or she decides to travel space.
If I can, why not? I am a fan of sirius and betelgues I would love to see them the closest ever possible. But just like others said, I just like to visit the space I don't want to live there so I will only consider it if their is a huge probability that I can return safe.
This is a great question! I have always considered going to space because I find it very interesting. Being able to move around in no gravity, float, and just overall explore the universe seems like something I would absolutely love to do. However, I believe it would be extremely difficult for my body to adjust to something so different, and I'm not certain I would want to feel sick while my body attempts to adjust to new pressures and oxygen levels.
Going to space will an awesome experience, I am sure. Imagine staying far away from thee pollution on earth.
I have no intention to go the space. I love the earth, I like to visit the palces I have never been, I like to meet people I have never seen in my life. I believe all these space programs are fool's work. There is so much to do on earth, yet these fools are spending billions of dollars for space programs.
No way! I'd never be brave enough to go into space because I'd be too worried about how I would come back to Earth and how safe it would be. I don't think space travel will be as mainstream as it would need to be for at least another few decades if not centuries. I bet it would be super expensive to go as it is considering how expensive rockets are.
Even if someone offered me the opportunity to go into space I would no way take it. The thought of going scares me as so few people have actually been there really isn't enough data for me to prove to myself that it is safe. Maybe in the far away future if it becomes a more common form of travel my mind may be changed.