Illegal and perverted activity by Missouri school officials


Established Talker
PF Member
Criminal, just criminal I tell ya. Think these school officials stepped outside of their authority?
If I were the parents of 1 of those children I would bring a civil action against any and all parties involved. I do not mean against the school system either as I seriously doubt this is acceptable policy according to their guidelines.



Is it time for another Tea Party?
That's sickening. If I were one of these kids' parents I would be absolutely livid, and you better believe I'd be making sure there were consequences for the people involved.
I'd have been raising hell if I was one of those parents!

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers
Good lord. 4th graders? Man oh man. And the medal wasn't even property of the school, either - if it was brought for show & tell, it belonged to some family. The school is *not* the police. What they *should* have done, if anything, is to call the police. That's just horribly wrong.

My knob tastes funny.