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I'm very proud of myself


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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This morning, I did something that I always tell myself I will do, but when its crunch time, I don't.

While commuting this morning, I observed a guy in the aisle across from me cleaning out some kind of notebook. He was taking pages of paper out and putting them on the floor. There was also a ball of plastic wrap (which had likely held a bagel or ****in) and an empty coffee cup.

As the train got closer to Penn Station, the man put his newspaper on top of the pile, stood up and moved towards the train car doors -- without the trash. I sat there astounded that this guy could be such a pig and terribly inconsiderate to his fellow passengers, myself included.

I got up and was waiting for the train to enter the station and the doors to open, and kept debating with myself whether to say something, and had actually decided that I would not. At that point, however, the woman who had been sitting next to him and I made eye contact. She made a :rolleyes: face, so I acted.

I managed to catch the guy's eye and in a rather loud and annoyed voice, I said "excuse me sir, you forgot your trash" and pointed to the pile of crap he had left. He mumbled that he was going to get it and I said "what?" he answered again "I'm getting it."

When the doors opened, he moved away from the exit and back towards the pile. I said to him in a more casual tone, "you know, I take this train every day . . . " He replied, "no problem."

I moved quickly out of the train and almost ran up the stairs and out of Penn Station without looking back. To tell you the truth, I don't know whether he actually picked up the trash. LOLOLOL

I always read how people stand up to other people who are acting in similar manners, and I always say how I'd like to be that way and be assertive, but until this morning, that just wasn't how I am.

So, that is why I'm proud of myself -- for speaking up when staying silent and stewing would have been much easier.
Good for you.....if more people did that the world would be a better place for it.
I know exactly how you felt, Kudos my friend.

PS: I dare you to say some **** like that to me. :D
Mark, I would have beaten you within an inch of your life if you said some **** like that to me. :mad:

But then again, I don't litter. :p

I wish more people had manners, and conversations like that didn't have to happen to shame them into acting properly.
congrats man!

we couldn't possibly be oppositer! i cannot imagine a situation like that, and NOT saying something.

i've always been the one to "say something". people doing stupid stuff like that just enrages me to the point where i would explode if i didn't say or do something.
I would have done something like that (except if it had been some guy between 15-30 of middle eastern descent).
congrats man!

we couldn't possibly be oppositer! i cannot imagine a situation like that, and NOT saying something.

i've always been the one to "say something". people doing stupid stuff like that just enrages me to the point where i would explode if i didn't say or do something.

more power to you.

I'm not confrontational by nature so something like that is very difficult for me.
:lol: Cheers to that!

Maybe I can take your cue...I see that all the time, particularly on the subway, and it disgusts me. Littering is just one thing that is SO unnecessary.

I haven't done that for someone littering yet...but I do have to say, I was proud of myself last year when I had a word with someone who was being unnecessarily rude to a cashier when I was behind them in line. I hate rude and ignorant people.
the times i've done that most frequently are:

1) rude to waitresses
2) beating kids in stores (usually mexicans)
ok, maybe i didn't say that as clearly as i wanted...
Mark...you got the stones to talk to someone on a train to NYC. :lol:
:unsure: i'm the person that always tells the other person what they think of them and consequently gets in trouble.
i kinda think out loud like that. :lol:
This is why I don't take public transportation.
People suck.
Yea, me too, That's exactly why I don't take the subway. :unsure:

there isn't enough money in the world that would get me to do what I did on the subway . ****, I won't even look at other people there. :lol:
Oh I thought you talked to someone on the subway. LIRR doesn't take guts :lol: My brother talks to people on Metro-North all the time (he has to take the train to school everyday).

The subway isn't that scary. I guess thats cause I scare most of the people on there with my size (6'2 230+lbs) ;)
...I scare most of the people on there with my size (6'2 230+lbs) ;)

now THERE's a concept I'd like to dig into a bit...

why do large guys think EVERYONE is "scared of them"? I've always found that kind of amusing...