Interesting observations about the election...


Emerging Talker
PF Member
Recently i found a website which asked schools around the country to educate their students about the upcoming election for a number of weeks, and then had them hold a "mock election". 28,000+ students did this, from grades 1-12, and the results they displayed were so odd, i copied them down.

The younger the students were, the more they voted for Bush, and the older the students were, the more they voted for Gore. Generally speaking. The younger and older students seemed to know more about the 3rd-party candidates. But the weird thing was, the older ones polled (and probably the ones who made a more knowledgeable decision) tended to lean towards the democratic candidate. Remember that polls (especially since this was looking at minors, too young to vote except for about 3%) should be taken with a pinch of salt - there's no way to be completely accurate. I even saw a poll in which Harry Browne has 20% of the vote, geez... But anyway, the final result came up with Bush holding 47% and Fore 44. Within its margin of error. How many times have we heard that one... But i think this age difference thing is more than just a coincidence. You can look some numbers here.

<font color="#000000">[Edited by insane on October 26, 2000 (edited 2 times)]</font>
In my opinion, that's just stupid. 28,000+ students is *nothing* at all. Not enough people were included in it to make any generalizations about it.
insane, that's *such* a JH avatar

En fuego, bebe.
Insane, that's my Avatar! I found it first!!
Guess we're gonna hafta wrastle for it!!!

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

<font color="#000000">[Edited by JHowse on October 27, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
geez..I thought it was JH who posted this...I usually look at the topic and then click through and sort of glance at the avatar...thought it was JH til someone said something and at first I thought someone was calling JH insane

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
OK OK, i'll change it!!!!! I'm a newbie, y'know.. and apparently not as sophisticated, i couldn't name one other person's avatar if i tired! I've never even before i came here heard the word avatar!
By the way, Howse, do you actually play soccer? Just wondering...
Now, can we get back to the topic at hand?...
insane &gt; no need to change it, don't sweat it.
We seem to all know each other by those pictures moreso than we know each other by our typed nicknames!
So there's no need to change it, be whom you are.
But I agree - back to the topic, people!

*Poss gets the folks back in line*

My knob tastes funny.
Insane, I was just giving ya a hard time. You didn't ave to change it. Yup, I do play soccer.
Fun sport, and it keeps you in really, really, really good shape. I like that cause I don't want to get all fat eating Cheetos while sitting in front of the computer posting on the Soup.

Ok, back to the topic at hand.

You can sort of base what kids decide as children, to some degree, are a reflection of their parents (the younger ones more so than the older ones). 28K+ in a poll, unfortunately, is not a large enough sample when this is not even 1% of the voting public who actually do show up at the polls.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?
Originally posted by JHowse:
I like that cause I don't want to get all fat eating Cheetos while sitting in front of the computer posting on the Soup.

Excellently put!!

Well i know i didn't have to, but i changed it anyway just for the sake of nonconfusion (is that a word?), and i'm a vikings fan ... heheh

But anyway, back to the point... i know that the poll isn't exactly a great sample, but i do think it isn't ALL a coincidence, and real presidential polls sample much less in most cases... yes, with the younger kids they probably do tend to vote towards their parents a lot, which, personally wouldn't be that good if so many are voting for Bush... i'm not even Sure if they KNOW how their parents are voting, or if any of them care that much...
I'm 16, and i wouldn't be voting for who my parents are...