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Is age a limitation for going to school?


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There is a great friend of mine who is in his late 40's but he didn't have any formal education. I have tried everything in my power to persuade him into getting in the educational system but he keeps making excuses that he's too old to go to school now.

Do you think age should be a limitation for one not to go to school?
If you are 40 years of age, you might feel humiliated to go to a high school, however, there is no age limitation for going to school or learning. Recently, the world's oldest blogger died. She was 101 years, she started blogging at the age of 90 years.
I don't know whether it's inferiority complex or ignorance that was my friend's problem because I can't seem to understand why he couldn't pick up the courage to head into academics. Money is not the problem for him or maybe he feels he's got money enough that he doesn't need education again?
Someone above 40 years of age may feel ashamed to be enrolled in a formal offline school settings because that is not where his mates are. The preference will always be to keep making money. What your friends may do especially, if he is one that wishes to go to school is to enroll in an online academy and learn at his convenience.
If you are above forty there is no need to be ashamed of going to school as there are several provision made for you to be able to acquire quality education, either through online schooling or attending an adult learning center get your papers right and proceed to gain a pre- degree qualification or a diploma depends on what you feel is appropriate for you . Age is never a limit if you are really interested in education.
When it comes to schooling, I know several people who have been in the education system but have later dropped out due to various reasons. However, if you are wanting to go back to school, it's definitely an option no matter your age. When I was attending college for business management, there were many different age groups at the college. It may feel humiliating to go back to school if you're older, but there's nothing to worry about because literally no one is judging you for getting an education. Everyone is there for the same reason.
I don't think age is an issue when it comes to education. Many people who want to better their lives and also learn new things go back to either school or college no matter their age. I have known people in their 40s to be in college studying something that will help them get a better job and be better off.
I don't think there is any age limitation to learning something new every day. If someone is inspired to go to school at any age, then I'd say "awesome"!
Universities and university students don't really care about your age. That's just some image you get from watching Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield. It's not the actual case, unless you're just going there to hit on younger students. :eek:
You're never too old (to get into debt! lol), to go back to school. I've had some who were 60s in my college class.
A lot of people just like going to school. I'm like that. I always like to learn or review things.
We're never too old to learn, the only limit on learning is self-imposed. If you want to learn something, you can! In school or out of school, you can always learn.
We're never too old to learn, the only limit on learning is self-imposed. If you want to learn something, you can! In school or out of school, you can always learn.
You're right about that. It doesn't really have to be in the school for someone to learn. As long as you have the will to learn something new, it can be done everywhere including online.
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