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Is anyone following women/flesh eating bug story


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She was with friends May 1 near the Little Tallapoosa River, about 50 miles west of Atlanta, when she grabbed onto a zip line. It snapped, and she fell.

The accident left a gash in her left calf that took 22 staples to close.
Three days later, still in pain, she went to an emergency room, where doctors determined she had necrotizing fasciitis caused by the flesh-devouring bacteria Aeromonas hydrophila. She was flown to Augusta for the first of what has turned into a series of surgical procedures.

She has lost both hands, a leg and her other foot.
I saw her on the news, so sad for her. They were saying they don't know where she got the bacteria, it can even come from your own body!! (Not sure how that works but that's what they said) :9:
There was also a lady in sc that just had twins.....I haven't heard any news on her.

Eta: she gave birth in a ga hospital.
She is a beautiful girl----very sad but at the same time at least she is still alive!
The 'very reason' I don't zipline over muddy rivers.

Although, :giggles:, We used to throw logs in the muddy Apple River in Elizabeth, and float all the way to the next town, and jump off just before the dam!! Then walk the traintracks back to town! We also hung old tires off ropes from under old bridges and played for hours. It didn't take much for us to have fun.

Talk about ****ty waters!!! It was surrounded by cow pastures!! :lol:

Waterskiing on the muddy Mississippi too!!! It's a wonder I'm still alive!........besides "other" factors!!! :sex:
Strep A is everywhere, just a matter of bad luck that someone gets affected.

The main thing is that if you see any red area of infection around a skin break or wound, keep a close eye on it. If it increases in size or you have bad pain GO TO A DOC or ED ASAP. Hours and even minutes count.

My SIL had patient with strep A several years ago, they caught it in time so that he only lost a finger. He should have seen her sooner, she saved his life but probably could have saved the finger if he'd gone in earlier. He was very, very lucky.
This whole thing has me freaked out! I currently have painful open cracks on both of my heals from dry skin and an open sore on my knee (since I picked the scab off today). I put Neosporin on my heals and bandaids on all three sores, but **** my heals hurt. My heals do this every few weeks. :surrender:
I'm sorry mrsmom. I can understand why you would be thinking about it.
So sad. One article I read about her was she was recently diagnosed with Lupus and was on drugs that suppressed her immune system, which they said was possibly why it hit her so hard. That same article said that many people come in contact with that bacteria and their bodies will fight it off but a very few will be affected like her.
Such a sad story... I can't help but think about BFF and how lucky we are that she survived it. Some of you may remember,.... she got it when she was in the hospital for her 1st bone marrow transplant... at the site where the port was put in her chest for chemo and other drugs... she was getting chemo to kill the rest of her already very dysfunctional immune system and got necrotizing fasciitis .... hours and hours and HOURS of surgery to remove the rapidly spreading infection on her chest, neck and back, because of her bone marrow issues, she was given a very low chance of survival , and i cry thinking about the days when she said she couldn't do it anymore. Weeks spent in the burn unit, a nightmare skin graft ..... it was awful.
She said the pain at the infection was intense! Please be careful and get evaluated quickly if you suspect something.

I pray that Aimee has the strength to beat this and the courage and determination to live her new life afterwards to her greatest potential ♥