Is PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) too extreme


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
What do YOU think?

While they have accomplished many positive things (such as the recent pig farm investigation), do you feel their methods are usually way too extreme?

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I think they're definitely too extreme, as are their Australian counterparts, the RSPCA, and a smaller, even more militant organisation that I can't for the life of me remember the name of. While I don't in any way approve of cruelty towards animals, such as battery hens, or the case with the pigs mentioned in the other threads, both of these organisations take it to ridiculous lengths. We had a ridiculous case here a few months back where bats were killing Melbourne's 150-year old botanic gardens, one of the city's most important open spaces, and militant animal-liberationists were being rather painful. I don't think the bats have been moved to this day, so we're losing this open space because of these ****s.
Even though I am all for animal rights, they are cruel to people and go too far in their beliefs. They are generally vegetarians, which is fine, but they seriously look down on people that do eat meat. We are both plant and meat eaters by nature and what people eat is a choice people make for their health and nutritious needs. They hurt people who don't believe in their cause which violates peoples right of free speech. People are allowed to believe what they want to but they cannot force their opinions on others.