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Is Pluto Still A Planet?


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Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Is Pluto still a planet same as the rest of the planets? or has it been changed? I think it has been changed.? ... Not sure, i think i remember something saying it got changed. :p
Is Pluto still a planet same as the rest of the planets? or has it been changed? I think it has been changed.? ... Not sure, i think i remember something saying it got changed. :p
No clue if it has changed.
Yeah i think it got changed to a Dwarf Planet, but was not sure it what i heard was just scientist talking about should they change it, or it was actually them saying it was changed. lol :p
Pluto's rep has gone up recently since a satellite has passed it. For instance, it's landscape is way more interesting than previously thought and it has 5 moons - instead of one.
I think it has been declared before that Pluto is now considered as a satellite and no longer a planet.
Nope, Pluto is not a planet anymore it was changed years back from now.
Now it got a status of Dwarf Planet.
Being a dwarf planet and having moons that orbit it is pretty amazing I have to say.
Funny to say, when the New Horizons probe was launched to intercept Pluto and take some photos, by that time pluto was still a planet.
But when New Horizons arrived there, Pluto was not a planet anymore.
Funny way to think of it, also the probe took like 10 years to get there.
Thats a long distance away
The question of whether Pluto should be considered a planet or not dates back to the seventies, when more refined techniques were developed to estimate mass and the size of celestial bodies. Since then, with each new measurement, Pluto turned out to be less and less like a canonical planet, "becoming" from time to time lighter and smaller. Today we know that Pluto, with a diameter of about 2,280 kilometers, is six times smaller than the Earth, which has a large moon almost half its size, and which, further strangeness, travels in an elliptical orbit and crosses the orbit of Neptune. The coup de grace came in 2005, after the discovery, by the astronomer Mike Brown, of an even larger and more massive body of Pluto in those areas: a potential tenth planet called provisionally 2003 UB313 (it would have been baptized Eris). I remember that in the resolution of the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union of 24 August 2006 it was decided that Pluto would be reclassified as a dwarf planet (to date we know 5 of this type: beyond Pluto and Eris there they are Ceres, Haumea and Makemake).
The period of revolution of Neptune and Pluto is in relation 2/3, therefore they are synchronized, besides the fact that their orbits intersect. It is evidently a body of the Kuiper Belt captured by Neptune.
Is Pluto still a planet same as the rest of the planets? or has it been changed? I think it has been changed.? ... Not sure, i think i remember something saying it got changed. :p
Pluto had been a planet for many, many years, before they deemed it no longer a planet. The technical definition of a planet has recently changed, to now accommodate stellar bodies such as Pluto. The new definition is as follows- "A planet is a sub-stellar mass that has never undergone nuclear fusion and that has sufficient self-gravitation to assume a spheroidal shape adequately described by a triaxial ellipsoid regardless of its orbital parameter." Basically, this new rule states that if it's not a star, and it isn't a rouge body, that also has the ability to remain a spherical shape, it should be considered a planet. Knowing that, Pluto is once again deemed a planet!
Is Pluto still a planet same as the rest of the planets? or has it been changed? I think it has been changed.? ... Not sure, i think i remember something saying it got changed. :p
pluto isnt a planet because to be classified as a planet it has to dominate its own orbit meaning no other objects should be crossing its orbital path. like earth we dont have any other material following our our orbital path so thats why earth is classified as a planet. pluto has many large objects following its orbit meaning pluto doesnt dominate its own orbit so pluto isnt a planet. its the largest object in the kuiper belt