April 28, 2010 (slashdot, via inhabitat) - On May 18th, Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) will launch Ikaros, a fuel-free spacecraft that relies completely on solar power. The spacecraft's 46-foot-wide sails are thinner than a human hair and lined with thin-film solar panels. After a rocket brings the craft to space, mission controllers on the ground will steer Ikaros by adjusting the sails' angles, ensuring optimal radiation is hitting the solar cells. If the mission proves successful, the $16M spacecraft will be the first solar sail-powered craft to enter deep space.
Original article (Slashdot) -- Source article (Inhabitat)
The source article actually has some really nice images and explanations of the craft. (see attachments)
Original article (Slashdot) -- Source article (Inhabitat)
The source article actually has some really nice images and explanations of the craft. (see attachments)