Jon Andrew Meyer Jr., Accused Killer, Claims He Was Using Rifle As Crutch When It Fired


Chief Talker
PF Member

This June 27, 2013 mugshot from the Josephine County Sheriff's Office shows Jon Andrew Meyer, Jr., a transient, who was to be arraigned Friday on a charge of manslaughter in the shooting death of a 5-year-old girl in Grants Pass, Ore. Authorities say Meyer was visiting an apartment when an assault rifle went off in a downstairs room and hit the girl and a woman in an upstairs room of the same apartment. The woman was wounded.

Court records show an Oregon man told police he was using his assault rifle as a crutch to help him get up from a couch at a friend's apartment when it fired a burst through the ceiling and killed a little girl upstairs.

The Grants Pass Daily Courier reports a police affidavit says Jon Andrew Meyer Jr. told investigators the gun went off accidentally at the Grants Pass apartment on June 27.

Defense lawyer Gary Berlant adds Meyer had been assured the gun was not fully automatic.

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