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Kerry Budget Plan Violates the Constitution


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A key element of Kerry's :icon_salu deficit-reduction plan involves a power the president does not have--because the U.S. Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional.

In a "fact sheet on Fiscal Responsibility and Social Security" released Tuesday, the Kerry :icon_salu campaign said that as president, Kerry :icon_salu will "submit budgets to Congress in which every new proposal is paid for--and cut the deficit in half within four years. He will ask Congress to pass a line-item veto and use the power to veto any pork barrel spending that is added to the budget."

But in June 1998, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a line item veto law, declaring it unconstitutional--something many voters may not know or remember.
just becasue it is not a law now doesnt mean kerry cant get it passed. it was up for consideration before and will again. you will see that the country will be much better off with kerry.