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KIAA relaunching. - video of presentation at Mobile Beat DJ show in Vegas


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Hey guys,

I have been absent as some of the folks around me spark my sarcasm fuse and I can't resist posting... and getting ousted!

I have an article up on our site along with the video of the KIAA presentation and I am looking for feedback from all of you. Could you read it and email me a response as to what you think is fair on a KIAA audit. They state very clearly they are going to check ALL of your discs, including out of production discs from out of business manufacturers. I fell that since those discs have been unavailable for many years, they have to give some leeway say if you have 5 sets and you are missing this that or another in various sets due to loss, theft, broken, or just expanded after not available and could not get all of the discs.


I outline what I feel is fair, but I am looking for written feedback I can submit on KJ's behalf to get them to accept the summary I have already submitted or something else.

Any feedback is welcome!

I am sorry that I have not stayed active here but there are some folks blatantly lying about facts and I can't read them without getting extremely angry. :nopill:
starzkj said:
Hey guys,

I have been absent as some of the folks around me spark my sarcasm fuse and I can't resist posting... and getting ousted!

I have an article up on our site along with the video of the KIAA presentation and I am looking for feedback from all of you. Could you read it and email me a response as to what you think is fair on a KIAA audit. They state very clearly they are going to check ALL of your discs, including out of production discs from out of business manufacturers. I fell that since those discs have been unavailable for many years, they have to give some leeway say if you have 5 sets and you are missing this that or another in various sets due to loss, theft, broken, or just expanded after not available and could not get all of the discs.


I outline what I feel is fair, but I am looking for written feedback I can submit on KJ's behalf to get them to accept the summary I have already submitted or something else.

Any feedback is welcome!

I am sorry that I have not stayed active here but there are some folks blatantly lying about facts and I can't read them without getting extremely angry. :nopill:

Sorry. It's simply a re-write of old news... nothing more than additional witch hunts IMHO plus, I really don't care who they are, they have no business "auditing discs" of out of business companies period. They don't own any rights to them at all.

Just an opinion.
c. staley said:
Sorry. It's simply a re-write of old news... nothing more than additional witch hunts IMHO plus, I really don't care who they are, they have no business "auditing discs" of out of business companies period. They don't own any rights to them at all.

Just an opinion.

Speaking of Old News...:wubpill: No Surprises there
Gee, a relaunching, huh? Well, then I guess this time they will share:

Who is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds?

Where is the actual physical location ( not the prestige mail drop in an office building) of the KIAA

Who answers the phone, and will they?

Most of all, who is the HEAD of the KIAA?
starzkj said:
Hey guys,

I have been absent as some of the folks around me spark my sarcasm fuse and I can't resist posting... and getting ousted!

II am sorry that I have not stayed active here but there are some folks blatantly lying about facts and I can't read them without getting extremely angry. :nopill:

Who might those liars be, and please clarify the lies, so all can learn?
Difference is all 3 manufacturers actually very involved now. They are planning on getting very aggressive with suits all over country.

I personally feel this will reduce number of shows, but that might be a good thing. I understand that they have no rights over those songs. If you join them you sign an agreement agreeing to be audited in all of those songs. I want rules published before people sign that. I also understand that allowing people to build sets off of music they may or may not actually own displaces sales, thus I support them auditing that, if the audit is fair. If someone is using all old out of program stuff they need to understand they have to have it on a disc.

Thanks for your opinion, mine just differs quite a bit.
JoeChartreuse said:
Who might those liars be, and please clarify the lies, so all can learn?

Not on here! I have already been thrown off for 3 days once.. It would go against terms of service. SORRY!

If you think I am pointing at you in any way I AM NOT! I often disagree with you, but honestly respect your stand on things!
JoeChartreuse said:
Gee, a relaunching, huh? Well, then I guess this time they will share:

Who is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds?

Where is the actual physical location ( not the prestige mail drop in an office building) of the KIAA

Who answers the phone, and will they?

Most of all, who is the HEAD of the KIAA?

Re-Launch is my wording, not theirs, as for other questions, they are filed as a corp in Delaware. State can send you copies of their filing for like $35 or so. I was on "advisory board" - i.e. No say, no control; We will allow you to give opinions but reserve the right to actually consider them.

Run by Karaoke manufacturers, from their locations.

Someone at KIAA will have to answer the rest of those questions.
starzkj said:
Re-Launch is my wording, not theirs, as for other questions, they are filed as a corp in Delaware. State can send you copies of their filing for like $35 or so. I was on "advisory board" - i.e. No say, no control; We will allow you to give opinions but reserve the right to actually consider them.

Run by Karaoke manufacturers, from their locations.

Someone at KIAA will have to answer the rest of those questions.

You might as well have said nothing. It amounts to the same thing.
Why all the secrecy about who's running it and who the head is and where the REAL office is?
What are you trying to hide?
Diafel said:
You might as well have said nothing. It amounts to the same thing.
Why all the secrecy about who's running it and who the head is and where the REAL office is?
What are you trying to hide?

It is not my organization to speak for.. If you have questions about the US Karaoke Alliance or Karaoke2Night.com network I will answer them all day. I do not have their paperwork and I am not in on any of the meetings any longer to see who is running anything.

You might actually want to watch the video of the presentation they gave and it might actually give you some answers. It will tell you the group was started by Stellar Records. Their, VP, Tony Walstra spoke in the video. Kurt Slep of Sound Choice opened, David Grimes of Chartbuster spoke and then Chartbuster CEO, Norbert Stovall spoke. But if you watched the video before telling me this is no new info you would know that.

As someone representing KJ's I thought it might be important to let everyone know what KIAA had to say. If you do not care then by all means I apologize for wasting your time. Please feel free to read another thread..

Now before I step out of bounds... again, Good-night boys and girls!
starzkj said:
As someone representing KJ's I thought it might be important to let everyone know what KIAA had to say.
Representing KJs???
Thanks for the laugh of the day!
Thanks for the info Eric. I'm sorry some of the members here are so RUDE towards you. Its just the same sh!t different day. Welcome back.
starzkj said:
Difference is all 3 manufacturers actually very involved now. They are planning on getting very aggressive with suits all over country.

I personally feel this will reduce number of shows, but that might be a good thing. I understand that they have no rights over those songs. If you join them you sign an agreement agreeing to be audited in all of those songs. .

HUH? You understand that they have no rights over these songs, yet you want someone to sign any sort of agreement? You may wish to come up with some sort of explaination...

Now, trying again:
Who is responsible for the collection and disbursement of funds?

Where is the actual physical location ( not the prestige mail drop in an office building) of the KIAA

Who answers the phone, and will they?

Most of all, who is the HEAD of the KIAA?
I thank you for your kind words, and apologize for asking about who was lying- I did not know this would be an infraction, and have no desire to get anyone- on either side- in trouble. I want to read and learn from everyone.
starzkj said:
Re-Launch is my wording, not theirs, as for other questions, they are filed as a corp in Delaware. State can send you copies of their filing for like $35 or so. I was on "advisory board" - i.e. No say, no control; We will allow you to give opinions but reserve the right to actually consider them.

Run by Karaoke manufacturers, from their locations.

Someone at KIAA will have to answer the rest of those questions.

The manufacturers. Thank you. Who would be the contact for the KIAA for the different manufacturers. Every corporation- even one formed in Delaware, has officers. Please list them. President, Vice-President, Treasurer, etc...

Also, though I know that you can't name the liar that you mentioned, could you discuss the lies themselves? I actually don't know if you can or can't- I just don't know what they are...

Thanks in advance- Darth Joe....:winkpill:
Joe, you should watch the videos posted on the website he posted. Won't answer all your questions but might help you understand what they're trying to do a little better.
Here's an idea:

If KIAA wants to "audit ALL songs" including those from out of business labels, then in order to make this an EQUAL AND LEVEL field, the manufacturers had better be prepared to produce valid and verifiable LICENSING for every single song they've ever produced and sold as well. Whether or not the disc containing those songs are still being produced or not.

Anything less is not an equitable arrangement. Suppliers have been shoveling out unlicensed material for years and passing it off as "used by permission" and now they want KJ's to produce and provide proof of a disc of songs in which they have no rights at all. How about producing for the KJ the same rights they have to create and sell it?

If this is a problem, then there really is no change here.

Kurt Slep said in the first video; " 91% of the KJ systems out there have SOME DEGREE of piracy"..... it is to laugh.... what percentage of manufacturers have/had unlicensed material? 95%?, 99%? It's easy to slant statistics when you state them in such a vague way and paint every KJ you see as something bad and evil.
Audio One said:
Thanks for the info Eric. I'm sorry some of the members here are so RUDE towards you. Its just the same sh!t different day. Welcome back.

Not RUDE, just REALISTIC. He claims the KIAA represents KJs. You seriously don't find that funny, especially after he mentions it's headed by the manufacturers?
You REALLY believe that they represent KJs???
If so, you're much more gullible than I thought.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cheap.
Diafel said:
Not RUDE, just REALISTIC. He claims the KIAA represents KJs. You seriously don't find that funny, especially after he mentions it's headed by the manufacturers?
You REALLY believe that they represent KJs???
If so, you're much more gullible than I thought.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Cheap.

Please read and try to comprehend what is said prior to posting rude comments.

I head the US karaoke Alliance and the Karaoke2Night.com network. We have over 400 KJ's that are getting free listings and pages for their shows and their hosting company.. Listings appear on 8 different sites and are SEO optimized to help the KJ.. That is free. If you want to be at top of your area and get more photos and videos in your ads that is not free but not expensive. All of that said, I was invited to the "advisory board" of KIAA to represent KJ opinions, but after nearly 3 years, I was very frustrated, and I resigned.

If you read the posts on our site you will find that while I support what KIAA is trying to accomplish (getting rid of pirates) I am very critical about how they are going about it.. I am trying to let all of you know that you need to read terms and conditions if you decide to join as you are signing to allow them to audit all of your Karaoke tracks. I am also not against that if it is done fairly, but they still have not posted the rules for such an audit and according to some things I have read they seem to be changing the rules as they go. I will not sign that agreement until I see the rules and can live with them. That is important because, they have started new initiatives and are getting more active and more aggressive. Read the article and watch the video please before you come back bashing me for something that was not said and taking a stance that I have not taken.

I am trying to help KJ's as I have for years. I support getting rid of pirates. If you host shows you should have your discs. I understand the issues of having done this for years and I think the rules need to be fair with lost, stolen, damaged, discontinued discs to some degree. I have posted what I think is fair and I have asked others to respond and chime in. Like it or not, KIAA is there and they are coming to a show near you soon and if you are perceived as being illegal they will contact you and possibly file suit. I just want to be proactive and set fair rules for those exchanges that take into account our issues as well as theirs.

If that is funny to you, great, to me it is my business and my life, so I take it very seriously. While many have left the Karaoke industry, those of us who have remained share a love for music and singing and or performing and are trying to make staying in Karaoke fun, and profitable for our hosts.

So more clearly, I have a voice in the industry and I use it to represent KJ's. I came here asking for your feedback on the issues, so that I am not just giving my opinion. Being attacked like this is why I stopped coming here. Now I am going to go work on my business. I hope everyone has a great day!
c. staley said:
Here's an idea:

If KIAA wants to "audit ALL songs" including those from out of business labels, then in order to make this an EQUAL AND LEVEL field, the manufacturers had better be prepared to produce valid and verifiable LICENSING for every single song they've ever produced and sold as well. Whether or not the disc containing those songs are still being produced or not.

Anything less is not an equitable arrangement. Suppliers have been shoveling out unlicensed material for years and passing it off as "used by permission" and now they want KJ's to produce and provide proof of a disc of songs in which they have no rights at all. How about producing for the KJ the same rights they have to create and sell it?

If this is a problem, then there really is no change here.

Kurt Slep said in the first video; " 91% of the KJ systems out there have SOME DEGREE of piracy"..... it is to laugh.... what percentage of manufacturers have/had unlicensed material? 95%?, 99%? It's easy to slant statistics when you state them in such a vague way and paint every KJ you see as something bad and evil.

I actually agree with much of what you are saying here, but I hate seeing it used by people that are hiding behind this argument the fact they they do not even have 10% of the discs they claim to have and are using thousands of pirated tracks at shows.

As there is no specific law that specifically addresses Karaoke, it has been left to attorneys who disagree to fight and the court judgments do not even agree on where the issue stand. That is what has caused most of the problems for the Manufacturers. Several of the current discs available now are licensing nothing at all and throw them in the market and then run and hide. The ones attempting to be legitimate are the ones that have real websites and addresses and they keep getting sued, because the "background singer" on that track did not agree. That process is too hard and is what caused the problems they are facing.

Sorry, have to get back to work!