I got this idea from a Pok?mon forum (ORLY?) Basically, the goal is to remove one pokemon from the team above, and replace it with your own to make the perfect team. Of course, people will want to keep their favourite Pok?mon in the team, so when theirs is possibly kicked from the team they will try to regain its position.
You can only kick one of the Pok?mon from the above team of six, and while you can post as many times as you wish; you cannot double post (post again straight after before another user has posted).
To keep the game easy for people to remember you should post the six Pok?mon list, but with your addition instead of the Pok?mon you chose to remove. But remember, this is just a game so please do not get angry or rude if your Pok?mon gets kicked from the team.
This starting team list:
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
My change:
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp
+ Magikarp