Koran-Burning Pastor With a History


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
The Local reports that the pastor Terry Jones who plans to burn copies of the Koran on September 11, was actually living in Germany, founded a church there, and left disgracefully in 2008 for Florida ...

BTW, some of the 9-11 attackers also were living in Germany ... weird.

We're really sort of a hub country ...
On a different note, Rackspace has shut down their websites b/c of a TOS (Terms of Service) violation.

I hope they'll now be unable to show off their Koran burning in time ... but there are plenty of other websites on which they can spew hatred against Islam.

Interesting that the article was tagged with "censorship" and "thoughtcrime", that's very different kind of freedom of speech than we're used to in Germany ...

I mean, is it really wise to let them spew hatred (as a matter of free speech) and then watch as people get agitated by it?
Well I agree it is distasteful and down right disgraceful but the 1st amendment is the first amendment...good or bad.

It is funny though, these are probably the same people that would go ballistic if they ever saw anyone burning a bible. Absolute crazyness.

I thought this could fall under 'inciting a riot' or something but who knows.
We're sitting on a barrel fo gunpowder over here in Germany ... such actions like Koran burning in the USA could also incite riots or even terrorist attacks over here. We're pretty used to terrorism, it was very commonplace around here in the 70ies and part of the 80ies (especially from left-wing groups like the Red Army Faction but also from right-wing and Islamistic extremist groups). ("Islamistic" means right-wing extremist Islam groups; within Islam, they're seen as extremists too)

I've known some Muslims, and in many, it was obvious there has been some sort of agitation going on ... they had pretty warped world views ... but these were mostly people from North Africa, like from Morocco ... Turks, for instance, are far more liberal and such when it comes to Islam.

Every once in a while, Islamistic (=right-wing) preachers are getting arrested, but of course these are only the tip of an iceberg of an unknown size.

Although Islam is meant to have only one Koran, I've seen various copies of the Koran with different text (which is strongly prohibited in Islam).

So, which version of the Koran does that right-wing Christian group want to burn anyway?

In Germany, there are literally thousands of splinter groups of Islam, and they cannot agree on a common representation of Islam; that's why Islam is still not acknowledged as a religion eligible for church tax.

Currently, there's a public discussion on why immigrants often do not want to integrate into our society. Some live pretty shielded lives in their own communities and speak only their own languages and practice their own laws (even if that conflicts with our law). Chancellor Merkel (Christian-center, slightly right-wing) recently warned that whole sections of cities could've turned into law-free zones.

My opinion is: Since our government is constantly passing laws that increase poverty among the population, and cut public funds for states and communities, law enforcement doesn't simply have enough manpower to keep the criminal structures among immigrant groups from solidifying and expanding. It's a home-made problem.

Things like 9-11 never would've happened if young people in Germany wouldn't be so frustrated that they begin to want to commit terrorist attacks, motivated by hate-mongering from Islamistic groups, for instance, or worse even, from Neo-Nazi or Autonomous groups.

The Autonomous Left are just as dangerous as Neo-Nazis ... they want to disrupt "The System" and are often members of terrorist groups.

We have many terrorist groups over here ... and with some, it's really no secret that they exist.

But that is not all: Mafia from all over the world has a home here as well ...

Plus secret societies which also still operate here.

It's pretty comical that not worse things happening ... and it's sad the government isn't doing much to help give people a solid perspective for the future and a positive outlook on life.

Most people are busy with their jobs and hence cannot commit too many crimes, but the unemployment rate is also pretty high (the doctored numbers from the government say it's 3 million, but many people believe it's more close to 10 million; many don't get counted as unemployed).

If the USA, like, attacks Iran and accidently destroys the Kaaba, all hell would break loose over here, this could lead to civil war like situations here.

And a thing like a Koran-burning could lead to increased terrorist activity over here and in other countries.
As much as I disagree with most of the ways of the Muslim religion, I really don't think that this pastor should conduct a burning of the Koran. Would this really help the American troops in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries? Certainly not! We need to be really careful right now, as doing something like this has a great chance of sparking a huge and very dangerous outrage. We're already at war with some of the Middle Eastern countries, and we shouldn't make our relations with these nations any worse than they already are. Burning the Koran would cause huge international issues. It would seriously be in our best interest to not do this.
Yes, I read about that too, and it's a good thing that he cancelled those plans- thank god! It very likely would have been a new 9/11 in the US the very next day if something like that were ever done.

Now, here's a point to think about- even the radical Muslim Al Quaida, the nasty terrorist group, who have destroyed the World Trade Center, and have been responsible for the death of many Americans, has never mentioned burning the Bible, or any other non-Muslim holy book, despite the horrible things they have done to Western people.
He has temporarily canceled if the imam agrees not to build the Mosque on ground zero. If they dont come up with a agreement he will continue with the burning. Its such a double standard with Islam. They expect tolerance from us or threaten violence. They dont allow the bible in many of there countries and get put in jail. And yet the military burned hundred of bibles in Iraq because it might be offensive to the Muslims. We the infidels cannot step on any of their holy places. But they would expect us to allow them to freely go where they please. They migrate to other countries and refuse to fit in with those countries and expect their customs to be everyone's or begin to threaten violence when they grow in numbers. America frees millions of Muslims in Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia. And yet at every turn we are threatened with violence because of our free society in America. Im sick of American soldiers giving up their lives for these people. And let them all wipe themselves of the planet and get Americans home. And I say burn baby burn!!
I hope we can allow in this country people to behave in ways which we do not approve of so long as they do not hurt others. It is because the koran when first published had so few copies extant that it was thought horrible to distroy any of them. If I burn copies I printed out on my computer whould that be considered horrible? It should not be now, some time it the past it was considered an attempt to distroy Islam when ever you distroyed a copy of the koran. What does one usually do with books if they become wet of moldy or just start falling apart from age? Usually they are if the are considered sacred books burned rather then being tossed in the garbage. So what now is the problem with burning the koran or any other book?
I must say it is sad that the fear has become so far that this can happen. Imho the extremist and terrorist have won....
I think hurting the the largest population of the world in terms of religion is not a freedom of opinion most of us know that 9-11 was an inside job than why their is still so much hate for the Islam just because of the media propaganda and why when Islam and Christianity have nearly same teachings
9-11 was not an inside job... The amount of aluminum used in modern buildings is incredible and once hot enough to burn the aluminum in the towers is what provided enough heat to distroy the steel of the towers.
Also large fires are not everywhere the same temperature when a fire heats the air going into it prior to the combustion then the cumbustion gases are much hotter than would be expected based on the fuel being burned. Also fires burning near hot metals tend to produce hydrogen gas which then burns when it mixes with oxygen to combine with. A hydrogen oxygen flame is among the hottest fires.

The world has been harmed by religions not so much because of what religions teach but because we being human and imperfect do not follow or sometimes even understand what religions are teaching. The various wars of Europe among the christian sects and the cursades are a perfect examples of what I mean. Soon we may see new wars among the various factions of the Islam. God has never wanted us to impose our beliefs about him by force upon others...

If we all understood and followed both the teaching in the Lord's prayer and the golden rule of doing unto others what you would have them do unto you ( love your neighbor as yourself) more closely we would be much better.
9-11 was not an inside job... The amount of aluminum used in modern buildings is incredible and once hot enough to burn the aluminum in the towers is what provided enough heat to distroy the steel of the towers.
Also large fires are not everywhere the same temperature when a fire heats the air going into it prior to the combustion then the cumbustion gases are much hotter than would be expected based on the fuel being burned. Also fires burning near hot metals tend to produce hydrogen gas which then burns when it mixes with oxygen to combine with. A hydrogen oxygen flame is among the hottest fires.

The world has been harmed by religions not so much because of what religions teach but because we being human and imperfect do not follow or sometimes even understand what religions are teaching. The various wars of Europe among the christian sects and the cursades are a perfect examples of what I mean. Soon we may see new wars among the various factions of the Islam. God has never wanted us to impose our beliefs about him by force upon others...

If we all understood and followed both the teaching in the Lord's prayer and the golden rule of doing unto others what you would have them do unto you ( love your neighbor as yourself) more closely we would be much better.

Great post!
Than what about all the you tube videos and documentaries that are available online and have a clear proof that the 9-11 was an inside job
Than what about all the you tube videos and documentaries that are available online and have a clear proof that the 9-11 was an inside job

It's difficult to say who's right.

What I often wondered about was that why does every US president need a major crisis during the first term of their presidency?

Bill Clinton: Somalia / Gulf War / Yugoslavia Civil War
George W. Bush Jr.: 9/11 / Afghan War / Iraq War
Barrack Obama: Aftermath of Banking Crisis, Reforms, + ?

What's weird about 9/11 is that it was acted out by a German Islamistic terrorist cell with people apparently trained in Afghanistan, with pay coming from Iran or Saudi sources.
It is well-known that Bush Jr. had family/friendship ties to Saudi Arabia, and that Bush/Rove/Rumsfeld etc. had ties to the Halliburton corporation.
Halliburton was one of the major Iraq war profiteers. Many people suspected that the USA wanted control over the Iraqi oil supplies (or at least free them to be used by some other country, in that region, perhaps).

9/11 was a blow dealt to the World Trade Organization. After 9/11, many people in the US see the United Nations as a powerless, juiceless organization. The US was one of the founders of the United Nations. During Afghan War and Iraq War, Bush Jr. exempted soldiers from UN War Crime Tribunals when he set up Guantamo Bay, where inmates were routinely tortured. Soldiers even made a profit by selling torture porn.

People seem to tend to forget political events quickly, and so, no matter what kind of **** is flung around during one year, a couple years later it is already forgotten by many people.

Anyhow, 9/11 was a big deal all around, with probably hundreds of billions of dollars made by the military-industrial complex. So, yeah, it's not unthinkable that this could've been an inside job. Who knew about all that in advance is a very good question.