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Lets talk about your summer plans


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My summer plans include going fishing on a local river.

Maybe running some trotlines.

Might even plant a late summer garden for a fall garden.

On May 5 my wife and I threw a party for close friends and family. We cooked around 65 pounds of crawfish, had boudin, sausage, corn, potatoes, shrimp and mushrooms on the side.

The first things to be cooked were the shrimp for my wife. We bought a couple of pounds of shrimp, the water was brought to a rolling boil, 1/2 bag of spice was added to the pot, then the shrimp were boiled for around 5 minutes.


As good as the food was, the company was better.

Mom, dad, my brother, cousin, best buddy, friends,,, all came over. We had a few drinks, talked for hours and had a great time.

A couple of weeks ago I went to a birthday party for a buddy of mine. He cooked close to 220 - 230 pounds of crawfish.

He had two pots setup, 2 burners and 2 propane bottles.

We had a 120 quart ice chest full of crawfish.

Another pic of the food ready to eat

Delicious pictures there kev!
We're just talking about when we are going to get stuff together to go camping and fishing.
I can't wait to just get away from it all for a few days. :)
This summer, I may go on a vacation to the Great Lakes. Maybe I'll see Niagra Falls.

The largest lake I've ever seen is Lake Champlain in Vermont and New York State. But as big as that lake was, it's nothing like the Great Lakes in size.
So far, the only summer plans I have are working, running, and hopefully having a garage sale eventually!

Summers just aren't as fun when you're not a kid and don't get a "vacation" for three months :(
I got invited on two camping trips neither are firm dates or anything. Hopefully one pans out as I've never been camping before -- it'd be pretty cool.

Other than that I'm planning to see MiB3 sometime soon and maybe a trip to Foxwood's casino is in my near future.
Fun! I like camping a lot. My family (extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins, etc!) used to go all the time when I was little and it was a blast. I hate bugs, though :eek:
I never did the whole camping thing because I live in the woods. If I wanted to camp, I could just go in my backyard as a kid. In fact I used to live in front of a really large campground (http://kittatinny.com/camping/kittatinnycampsites).

The only thing that really worries me about camping is ticks, bears, and rabid animals. I've already pulled three tics off me this year and that's just walking beside the road. Animals you cannot do much about I suppose but be smart and store food and trash properly.
Earlier this spring, I saw coastal New Hampshire. This summer, I'm definately going back. It's not all that far from where I live. And one of the communities, Hampton Beach, is a great town that's bigger than I thought it was going to be, as I'd never been there before until this year. I'm looking forward to seeing the town on a hot summer day and swimming on the beach.

However, I'm not looking forward to having to find a parking spot in Hampton Beach, as it's a very busy town on a warm, summer day.
I just want to be able to get out of my city for a few days and not think about work and other stressful things - I don't even care where I go at this point!
We usually go camping , but this year we went out of town and visited with family, and will be going to a beach and on some picnics. My son and husband are going out of town to by a sled for winter. price is lower. I don't think he will use it much, our kids will get more use out of it. LOL!!! The two that remain at home. Well they can have fun buying the gas. LOL!!!