GamerPerfection said:Other life on other planets = yes
Life on other planets in our solar system = doubtful
Earth only planet with life = extremely unlikely
GamerPerfection said:Well I think any interaction with a new alien race would likely end up heading towards a hostile interaction because of one main reason: It is extremely unlikely that either side would be able to understand each other as universal translators is something that will never exist, and therefore neither side would be able to truly determine their ultimate intentions.
Not gonna happen in real life.Ms Naiwen said:I've read many many sci-fi stories like this in which the Human could speak a bit of the "Alien language" and peaced it out with them in the end.
That's a movie, you're not living in a make believe world.Ms Naiwen said:I've also seen a movie about the "Alien Prince" falling in love with a Human girl... and in the end, they've been able to stop warring and to understand each other.
God doesn't exist, therefore Human's are no-ones chosen race.Ms Naiwen said:I'd like to ask also, do you think Humans are God's Chosen race or is it another?
GamerPerfection said:Not gonna happen in real life.Ms Naiwen said:I've read many many sci-fi stories like this in which the Human could speak a bit of the "Alien language" and peaced it out with them in the end.
That's a movie, you're not living in a make believe world.Ms Naiwen said:I've also seen a movie about the "Alien Prince" falling in love with a Human girl... and in the end, they've been able to stop warring and to understand each other.
God doesn't exist, therefore Human's are no-ones chosen race.Ms Naiwen said:I'd like to ask also, do you think Humans are God's Chosen race or is it another?
Who said anyone made the universe?Ms Naiwen said:So, who gave us life? And who made the Universe?
GamerPerfection said:Who said anyone made the universe?Ms Naiwen said:So, who gave us life? And who made the Universe?
The question what gave us life and what made the universe cannot be answered by any living person. But that is no reason to claim a "God" made it.
You don't know who or what made life any more than anyone else on this planet does. That's why I laugh at anyone that "claims" they know what did make our existence. Because they don't know, they only believe, and belief is nothing compared to facts, and the fact is not a living person knows what happened to create our existence.