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Like to Travel?


Hanging Out!
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Do you like to travel to many places or just relax at home and spend time there.

I dislike traveling, always like to sit and work in my home.
Not went to many places, like only China, & other parts of Asia. & even Canada, Also, Jason, would you hand me your affiliate button so we could affiliate properly thank you!
Yes i love to travel because travel is my passion i have visited the many beautiful countries of the world. I want to visit some European countries in vacations and want to know about some countries which are best for vacation.
I haven't really had the opportunity to travel to many places, vacations or work-based. I guess I wouldn't mind it but I don't think I'll have the opportunity for a while to come yet.
My kind of traveling is going to the woods or the lake to hunt and fish. A week in the forest, scouting and tracking deer, spending days in my blind waiting to get a perfect shot off and bring home meat I've killed myself instead of eating the processed, chemical- and hormone-ridden crap that's sold in stores is my version of relaxation and getting away.
To go to some exotic island and spend days living in a culture that's basically a fairy tale, then having to go back to the reality of normal life doesn't sound like fun to me. Camping and hunting is the best get away I can think of!
I absolutely love traveling. I want to go to every country in Europe at least once. I've only been to Scotland as far, and its my favorite place in the world.
I'd love to travel the world. I have already been to a few places, New Zealand and Florida twice, Mallorca 3 times, Australia and Singapore.
What took so long to get my account approved? Where is the Admin?

I mean, it was a quite a few days before my account approved. And the Admin hasn't been on since the 1st, where is he?
This forum is in a transition. I don't have time for it. However the admin that is supposed to be running the board...and asked to do it.....is MIA. Probably to be replaced very soon.
Sorry 'bout that, mate.
Sixer is the "main" ADMIN at the moment. I haven't seen him ever since he was handed admin-ship.
I'll try to see if he's around on other forums.

( I was promoted through Raizen so I don't know Sixer much myself. )
Hi Friends,

I too like travelling, now a days I am visiting Hyderabad, India once in a month and stay there with my family for 5 days or a week with them.