I think those in government should worry only about what their constituents have to say, and not be bothered by corporations and special interest groups. I think this kind of stuff should be illegal.
I know some of you must disagree with me on this, so let's hear your arguments
And anyone who does agree with me, feel free to lend your support
support lended. I honestly hate how groups with a special intrest (such as oil companies) lobby for their cause and the voters get lost in the whole thing. If politics worked the way that I believe that they should, there would be no lobby folks, and the elected officials would be free to vote however they wanted with only the voters to worry about, and not where the money comes from.
I have a lot of theories in this general area, but Im still working on how to articulate them so that the normal human can comprehend, hopefully this one came accross alright
"Never hold a cat and a dustbuster at the same time"
Actually that is what I was concidering lobbying. I guess It depends on what you concider lobbying. I have always thought about it as meaning giving money in order to recieve special treatment (or something like that). But if you just concider it letting the representitives know how you believe they should vote, with out the influence of money etc then I guess there is no problem with it. Actually how else would the representitives know how the constituants feel.
"Never hold a cat and a dustbuster at the same time"
It doesn't have to involve money. It can just be a smaller group representing the views of a larger group using meetings, writings, public gatherings etc. With is basically just representative speech which is obviuosly protected. It is a sad comentary that the act of getting your views accross to your representatives, or lobbying, has become synonomous with bribery.
Leonard Nimoy: Do you even know who I am?
Mayor Quimby: Aren't you one of the Little Rascals?