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Loose & Immoral


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A young Irish lad goes into the confessional box in a Church in
Dublin and says, "Bless me father, for I have sinned. I have been
with a loose and immoral woman."

The priest says "Is that you,Thomas O'Rourke?"

"Yes", replies the young man, "It is I, Father."

"Tell me, Thomas, who was the loose and immoral woman you
were with?"

"I cannot tell you, Father, because I do not want to do further
damage to her reputation."

The priest asks "Was it Brenda O'Malley?"

"No, Father, it was not."

The priest says, "Hmmm, let me see, was it Mary Elizabeth O'Shea?"

"No, Father, it was not, and please don't ask me to tell you her
name again."

"Oh, come on, Thomas, you can tell me. Was it Mary Catherine

"No, Father, it was NOT! Please, Father, I cannot tell you the name
of this loose, immoral woman and if you ask me again I will have to

The priest finally says "Okay, Thomas, I admire and respect your
perseverance. You are a true gentleman. I won't ask again, but
you must atone for your sins.

Your penance will be 4 Our Fathers and 5 Hail Marys.
Now go back to your seat."

Thomas walks back to his pew, where his buddy, Sean, slides over and
whispers, "What happened?"

Thomas replies "I got 4 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Marys and 3 NEW NAMES."