Man Builds Cruise Missles In Backyard


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A home handyman is building a missile in his garage with parts bought over the Internet and shipped through Customs.

Bruce Simpson has stated on his website that he intends to construct "cruise missiles", which are taking shape in his shed near Auckland.

Security experts say the ease with which Mr Simpson has obtained parts and built a working jet-engine is a warning that such weapons could be built by the wrong people.

They are divided over whether the missile plans he has posted online encourage terrorism or simply raise awareness that the technology is widely available.

Mr Simpson, a 49-year-old internet developer, stated on the website on April 29 that he would build a cruise missile.

He has already test-fired several noisy jet engines, as neighbours up to 1km away have testified.

Mr Simpson said that the missiles would not be used for terrorism, but to test home-built jet engines.

For more, read:,2106,2518801a10,00.html