Middle Eastern Violence


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
What does everyone think will happen next in the Middle East?

What do you think is the solution?

Or isn't there a solution?
The UN will itervene and send in a "peace force"

Do you find it somewhat disturbing that the Palestinians are mainly just throwing rocks while the Isrealis are firing rockets & missiles, using tanks, attack helicopters, jets, etc?



Is it time for another Tea Party? Hell YES it is!
What I find disturbing is that we gave them those weapons. And somehow, we look down on the Palestinians as always being the aggressors. Not to point a finger of blame at anyone, but doesn't it take two sides to start an altercation? And why the heck are we supplying arms to one side? Heck why are we supplying arms to any nations at all, when they can turn them around on us (Israel vs. the U.S.S. Liberty...Iraq vs. the US in the Gulf War...and so on and so on)

My knob tastes funny.
why the heck are we supplying arms to one side? Heck why are we supplying arms to any nations at all, when they can turn them around on us (Israel vs. the U.S.S. Liberty...Iraq vs. the US in the Gulf War...and so on and so on)

possum, the reason we sell armaments to just darn near anyone who can come up with the cash is becuase of a very strong defense industry lobby in DC. That is also something that Dwight Eisenhower warned us to be extremely wary of during his departure speech.

++++++quote from referenced speech

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."


If you're interested, you can read the whole speech here:

Ski Bum
I'm on Israel's side with this.

What is the point of the line of thought "Hey, there's an Israeli machine-gun post over there, let's throw rocks at it", then carrying it out, getting shot, and crying foul. I mean, duh.

Those folks in that region have been fighting for as long as they've been there. Like you said, the PA was throwing rocks at machine gun toting soldiers, and the Liberals in DC are amazed that once the PA got machine guns of their own that they shot at the IA.

The US tries to buy peace in a region with MANY billions of dollars in aid, loans (that will never be repaid), and guns to both sides, and then wonders why it all falls apart.

Personally, I think we should just let them fight it out until they are all back to throwing rocks at each other again, and spend our money here at home. That won't happen because of the powerful Isreali lobby, and the just as powerful military-industrial lobby that I referenced earlier.

Ski Bum

Sacred cow makes the best burger.
I agree with Ski Bum to an extent.

This conflict is as old as Isaac and Ishmael. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, open the Bible and read Genesis.) These people have been going at it for thousands of years. It is pretentious of the US (being only a couple hundred years old) to think we can bring an end to the dispute. Both sides consider this region to be sacred ground. Imagine if someone asked you to give up half of a loved one's burial site.

Unfortunately, President Clinton is a man grasping so desperately for a legacy that he actually thinks he can pull this off. Revelation calls the man who finally brings about peace between these two nations the anti-christ. I certainly wouldn't want that legacy.

I think the US should continue to back Israel, though. This is not just because I believe they are the rightful owners of the land. It is because we said we would. Other nations (friend or foe) need to understand that America keeps its word. If we make a promise or an ultimatum, we need to carry it out.

Romans 12:11 "Never be lacking in zeal."
As much as I'm on Israel's side, I too think there is no solution to this violence. It's a conflict that's been going on for millennia, and it's going to continue. I also believe Clinton caused this recent bout of fighting by pushing for a formal peace so he could leave a legacy. The only solution to this would have been 33 years ago, if the Arab nations hadn't started the Six Day War, and then lost it so miserably.
My gut feeling here is that the people who had it first should get it. That would would be Israel since Judaism is thousands of years older than Islam. Heck, the Christians have completely given up on the area and it was Holy to them before Islam existed as well.

Too bad they have such modern weapondry on both sides. The best way to sort it out would probably be to let them fight it out, but that will cost a lot in terms of human life as well as physical damage to the area.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Another factor here is that the Palestinians weren't always living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. They have resided in several other nations in the region, caused trouble and been thrown out. So why should it be up to Israel, one of the smaller nations, to make room for them?

Another factor here is that the Palestinians weren't always living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. They have resided in several other nations in the region, caused trouble and been thrown out. So why should it be up to Israel, one of the smaller nations, to make room for them?

...was once said like...

Another factor here is that the Jews weren't always living in the Rhineland and in Austria. They have resided in several other nations in Europe, caused trouble and been thrown out. So why should it be up to Germany, one of the smaller nations, to make room for them?

...way back in the 30's and 40's.

I see violence begetting more violence. I see horrors of the past remembered, but sadly twisted. I see no end to this situation until regular every-day Jews and Palestinians get together and say "What the hell are we doing - we're killing each other, and for what - so that our 'leaders' can have the glory of saying their ideologies were right?"

And sadly I don't see that day in the immediate future.

My knob tastes funny.
my view: it's time for israel to defend themselves. all they've been doing is giving and giving, and not getting peace in return. The idiots from the UN and whatnot have just been delaying the inevitable. As soon as the palestinians are powerful enough, they'll destroy israel. no mercy at all. I don't see why the israeli should be forced into signing all these treaties that get them nothing. They're strong enough now, they were a while ago, they should just attack the palestinians. if they don't do it now, the palestinians will just destroy them later.
I'm inclined to agree.
The Middle East would have broken out in war after the Egyptian summit if Clinton hadn't stepped in and threatened to withdraw aid which most likely would have toppled the regime of Egyptian President Mubarak.
It's time for Israel to strike.
Reading *Zechariah 12:3* really brings in another factor into all this (although I believe that verse to mean a yet future event, yet not in a too distant future, it seems). Ezekiel Chapter 38,39 also apply, even mentioning the very countries involved in this future invasion of Israel.

"...Choose wisely."