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Mike's back... (yahoo)

OK i have mixed feelings about this one, on one hand he could hurt the wizzards more then help them, but on the other hand I really love to watch him play. So I guess IM glad hes back, even if it might have been better for him to stay retired. No I have to make sure that I go see him play before he retires again.
Personally I have no problem with MJ returning. I never liked the guy much in the first place. So I don't care what happens to his image or his historical place in the sport. For him, I would consider it a huge mistake. He might be able to get the team to some level of respect (like .500), but playoffs, or championships? Either is a pipe dream. He is only going to hurt the development of the young players on the team by eclipsing them and taking court time away. Unless of course, they go out to get some more big names through free agency or trades. But even that would seem to be a temporary, eggs in one basket kind of thing. Hey, that sounds familiar, oh yeah the Redskins.

This is typical Michael Jordan. Even in a time of utmost tragedy he is only thinking about himself and basketball p.r. If I were him I would forget about basketball and use my fame and fortune to help people in this time of need. He could do any number of things to help out or raise money for NY or maybe even the Nike employees in Indonesia. How can a man of his power not do one thing to help out the country? (It is possible that he has done something that I am unaware of, but that seems unlikely as it would have been big news.)
The Wizards will make the playoffs. You could put almost anyone on a team with Jordan and he'll make the playoffs. Keep in mind the wizards are one of the yougest teams in the league, the amount they will learn from him will be invaluable.