CNN said:Laurel, Maryland (CNN)It had been downgraded to a dwarf planet. It looked like a fuzzy blob in our best telescopes. And it was often referred to as just an icy orb. Even scientists working on the first mission to Pluto expected to find an old, pockmarked world.
But Pluto is turning out to be full of surprises.
"I'm completely surprised," said Alan Stern, principal investigator for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft.
The first zoomed-in image of Pluto was released on Wednesday, a day after the spacecraft made its closest pass over Pluto, cruising about 7,700 miles over the surface. The probe traveled more than 3.6 billion miles to snap the photo, and scientists think it was well worth the trip.
I have always been fascinated with space and space exploration. I was excited to see the first pictures taken by the New Horizons spacecraft of Pluto. It is crazy to think how far away this dwarf plant is, and just how far the pictures were transmitted back to Earth through space. It's truly incredible.
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