The actor made famous for his role as Mini-Me in the Austin Powers film series has announced he is to wed his girlfriend - who is six-foot, two-inches tall.
Verne Troyer, standing two-foot, eight-inches in his socks, said he felt like a giant when 29-year-old yoga instructor Genevieve Gallen agreed to tie the knot.
The ceremony is expected to take place in November.
It has not always been plain sailing for the couple, however.
Gallen dumped Troyer for a six-foot male stripper earlier this year, prompting the love-sick midget, who has admitted to a drinking problem, to go on a bender.
Verne Troyer, standing two-foot, eight-inches in his socks, said he felt like a giant when 29-year-old yoga instructor Genevieve Gallen agreed to tie the knot.
The ceremony is expected to take place in November.
It has not always been plain sailing for the couple, however.
Gallen dumped Troyer for a six-foot male stripper earlier this year, prompting the love-sick midget, who has admitted to a drinking problem, to go on a bender.