Minimum wage


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
What do you believe that minimum wage should be in the USA? It's currently $7.50 an hour and Obama wants it up to $9 and a recent protest by fast food restaurants wants it doubled to $15.

Given the times I do believe that minimum wage should be up by another dollar if not up to the amount Obama wants. But to raise it to high like $15 would prove to be disastrous as any low grunt work could be eliminated and lower the amount of available jobs.
Raising it up to 10$ would be ideal. 15$ won't work well and it could be done little later.
I didn't know the USA were so far behind. I was earning $8 an hour on apprentice wages, which is the lowest you can go. I think the minimum here is something like $15.40
I agree with Frank07. $15 will not work well. It will show bad results. $9-$10 will be ideal.