Minnesota asks drivers to brake for turtles


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
Watch out for the turtles!

Minnesota wildlife managers say it's because turtles are trying to get from their winter homes to their warm-weather nesting areas. And the state Department of Natural Resources is urging drivers in Minnesota to give turtles a brake.

Carol Hall, an agency specialist in amphibians, says many turtles are killed on roads each year, especially during the nesting season.

The agency says drivers who see a turtle on the road should slow down and go around it. The department also says it's best to let turtles cross unassisted. If it's necessary to help, the department says to move them in as direct a line as safely possible.

Minnesota has nine turtle species, some of which are protected.

Hi) all this is very interesting for me coz in my country a saw turtles only in zoo, can't imagine how i ride and see a turtle crossing it) but i think people mustn't hurt animals!!!