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Most embarrassing womanly thing that happened to you?


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Southern Indiana
I was at a busy beach once in the Carolinas and a wave totally flopped my **** out everywhere, to be blunt.
Same really. But i was on ny ex swimming pool and our friends were there. We were playing volley and the ball went out. I got out to go get it not noticing my swim suit was showing my ****. It was only when i turned around and everyone looked and my ex told me that i realised. I was really embarassed
I have a few stories :p
I'll be back!

Once I was at Kirk's and my period was due the next day but I was sleeping over and staying most of the day, however I didn't have any sanitary towels. I alerted Kirk of the possible I may end up starting it all over the sofa :)
Kirk was very helpful and made sure his mom knew etc. The shops weren't open, it was later on so we couldn't go and buy any.
Long story short I ended up in one of Kirk's nan's bed nappies and am walking around their house the next day with bulging trousers so I look like a toddler with a nappy on :') they were rather large.
Well, I went to the swimming pool with my brother and his friend which used to be my crush, I was about 13 at the time, when we went home the boys told me they were going to the football so I got out of my swimsuit and went out of the room to put it in the laundry and my crush saw me, fully naked **** and everything. He never looked at me the same...
Doing the weekly shop in our town centre supermarket I was completely unaware that my skirt had become hitched up at the rear (heavens knows how this happened) and it wasn't until a lovely woman very quietly pointed this out to me, that my face turned a very deep purple with sheer utter fright and embarrassment. :eek:

This thank God has only ever occurred once and happened a couple of years ago now.

Lol....I guess fortunately mine was nowhere near as embarrassing as those above me....But at time it most certainly was....As any of you girls will no doubt appreciate.
That one time in primary..when I split my trousers so I had to walk around with one friend in front and one behind..
Yep, never again.
Most embarrassing moment. EVER.
I went home during an afternoon I was supposed to be in history, my teacher phoned home and I had to tell my male, middle aged teacher that I'd started my period. He sounded very shocked and apologetic on the phone.
Next day I said I was sorry and explained and he went very red and so did I.

So awfully embarrassing XD
I think the most embarassing thing that's happened to me was the time that I went to an indoor waterpark with my friend. We went on the surfing board thing with the fake waves, and there was a really sexy lifeguard. He was German or something, and I thought he was so hot. So my friend convinced me to try the surfing thing, and I did and I wiped out within two seconds. I was really glad because the lifeguard came over to me and started talking to me, but his accent was really thick.

It sounded like he was saying something about my swim suit, but I thought he was saying "I like your swimsuit" so I kept saying, "Thank you" but he kept repeating it, and I kept saying "Thank you" and then he pointed to my chest and I looked down and turns out my top came off and I was standing there in front of him with my **** hanging out. And then I was like, "Hm. No wonder he was holding the surf board in front of me."

UGH. That was embarrassing. XD
Once in high school I had the heaviest period ever and it leaked. I didn't notice till I saw blood on the floor under my desk. At that moment my teacher called me up to pick up an assignment, but thankfully my friend went up for me. It was horrible.
I forgot to put on a bra while getting dressed for school.. and you could tell that I wasn't wearing one. So I had to walk around from class to class with my arms crossed hiding my breasts. x.x
Yep, I had a heavy period once and it leaked over the seat first period and I hated my teacher. I didn't know what to do because you couldn't miss it but luckily no one saw when the bell rang so I just got up and walked away. I feel bad for the next class. I had to try and deal with it the whole day.. not fun for me.