MSNBC: Unraveling The Secret Life Of Animals


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Unraveling the secret life of animals.

Behaviorists discuss cultural complexities of other species.

CHICAGO, Aug. 24 — Female chimps tend to hold grudges, baboons generally respect “marriage” bonds within their group, sea lions pick fights they think they can win, and dolphin life resembles a soap opera.

THESE ARE AMONG the findings of animal behaviorists, studying animals from parrots to whales, who began a four-day conference at a Chicago museum on Wednesday to share insights into how animals communicate, learn their own “culture” and maintain social order.

“The purpose is to bring together people who work on different animal species and normally don’t talk much together,” said conference organizer Frans de Waal, a psychologist who studies primates at Emory University.

Like a scientific Noah’s Ark, presentations are scheduled on whales, dolphins, parrots, elephants, hyenas and all manner of primates at the conference titled “Animal Social Complexity and Intelligence.”

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