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 My Avatar Does Not Show On The Top Poster Feature

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Expert Talker
PF Member
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Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Peak Coin
When i look at the new Top Posters feature on the forum index page, i can only see avatars of other members, mine doesn't show up. :p Have a look on the screen shot i took..

peak forum no avatar top poster.png

As you can see, for me, i just get the default avatar image, my my own avatar photo. :p
Might be a Bug
Yeah, probs. :p I wonder if it it happens with anyone else... @fords8 you are the only one that can answer this question.. When you view the Top Posters boz on the forum index, can you see my avatar in both the Top Day Poster and Top Week Poster as well as your own avatar in the Top Month Poster? or Can you only see my 2 avatars and not your own? :p
I can only see mine. hahaha lol
This appears to be a bug in the code which was heavily modified by myself. I'll take a look into it.

May I ask the size, filesize and host of your avatar @Rudolph
I can only see mine. hahaha lol
See its a bug just effecting me! :p Brilliant! ha lol :p

This appears to be a bug in the code which was heavily modified by myself. I'll take a look into it.

May I ask the size, filesize and host of your avatar @Rudolph
So i went to my avatar settings there and noticed my avatar was a Gravatar one, so i changed it and uploaded a file of my avatar and it has fixed it. :p So im assuming from that, the bug is that its not working with Gravatar avatars but is working fine with uploaded avatars. :p
See its a bug just effecting me! :p Brilliant! ha lol :p

So i went to my avatar settings there and noticed my avatar was a Gravatar one, so i changed it and uploaded a file of my avatar and it has fixed it. :p So im assuming from that, the bug is that its not working with Gravatar avatars but is working fine with uploaded avatars. :p
Cool thanks for letting us know :p I'll check how the Gravatar avatars are pulled and displayed in that area to try and address this issue ;)

I'll mark this as solved in the meantime
I'm going to move this out of the archive, as opposed to creating a new thread - I am having the same issue; I have a Gravatar avatar as well.

yeah, i was meaning is it the Gravatar one that you are using or an uploaded one. :p never mind..

It’s clearly stated in my post.

I wouldn’t be saying “I have a gravatar” if I wasn’t using it. Because that would be information that isn’t relavent.

Bug reporting 101: Provide the most relavent information.
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