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My son is bullied, ostrasized and has no real friends.


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Not sure why i am posting this here, tonight. Just feeling more than blue. I get so heavy hearted about how selfish people can be. A lot of parents don''t really care. not enough to teach their own children how to be loving and offer friendship to another child in need. it has been my, and my family's heartbreaking experience to learn that most parents, and their kids, won't go out of their comfort zone to befriend someone who is being emotionally excluded by all of the other kids in town.

it 's like "why rock the boat and potentially have my kid not liked by others?" consequently, my kid has not had a friend in years.

if you feel so inclined, please say a prayer for him. some days i believe that prayer can help, some days i don't. but, i love my son dearly, and most days i am open to trying anything.

sorry for the friday night blues. it just is really hard sometimes and i like the anonymity that posting this in this forum gives me tonight. i am at my computer barelly able to see the screen through my tears.

My God, kids can be so cruel.
I'm sorry. Would you mind sharing his first name and how old he is? I will include him in my prayers. I went through times when I didn't have many friends, but I went to a small private school for elementary school so luckily there wasn't much bullying.
Sweet heart I am so sorry you and your DS are having a hard time. Can you tell us what the issues are? If not that's ok. :huggy:
Share what you want and vent if you'd like. We are here for you.

I'm so sorry your son is going through such cruelty-and what is sad is that these kids were taught it somewhere. I will be thinking about and praying for him and your family! :huggy:
I don't know the details but your OP is enough to make me want to cry with you.

Hang in there and make sure you're great little guy hangs in there too. NOT everyone is cold and uncaring. One of these days you'll both find that out, even if it doesn't feel like that now. :huggy:
I don't have answers, just :huggy:

People can be exclusionary, but there are a lot of people out there who are genuine, caring, interested and interesting who don't care about fitting into a group. I hope you and your son find those people. I never liked cliques because I don't necessarily like each individual in any given group. So I have a collection of friends from different parts of my life.

Is your son involved in scouts or a church-based group?
I am so sorry for your and ds pain, and will include him in my prayers.

What type of things does he like or is able to do? My brother is "different" and as a kid was always bullied with no friends, he just lived in his own world. It took alot of work but he can at least deal with people and the world now. But we had to search for a group/people who were like him and pull him out of his shell...it wasn't easy.
I am so sorry that you and your son are going through this! I am praying for strength for both of you to get through this. How old is he? Maybe joining a group, would help. Or if he could get some help from a counselor at school. Maybe even if you could get a group of moms with their kids together for a couple of hours, play games, cards, etc....
Let us know how old he is and his interests, that would help with more ideas.......keeping you in my prayers
So sorry you and DS are going through this. I will keep you both in my prayers.
my oldest son gets bullied alot and then the school turns it on him and says he is bigger then the other kids ..so i have got to the point i told him to start hitting them back either way he will get in trouble so why not get in trouble for something you did instead of something you didnt..i know its not right but he is 14 and 5'7" and 220lbs. so they all gain up on him and torment him and i dont know what else to tell hime but maybe if you stick up for yourself they will back off..i am tired of the school saying that group of boys said your son started it and we cant take his word over 10 of them so i told him to do what he has got to do and defend himself i will handle the rest.....so i know where you are coming from and i feel your pain...if parents could just go through what we have been through then maybe just maybe they would understand how heartbreaking it is to have your kid home everyday crying
Please consider getting him into counseling if he isn't already seeing a qualified therapist [not a school counselor & not a priest].

Too many children who are bullied sadly end up making the dreadful decision to end it all because they saw no way out of their terror & felt hopeless & helpless. Please do not let your son fall into that category. :huggy:

I'm sorry, but I do not think prayers alone will help in this situation. He needs real help to help him cope with the ****s in his school. If this has been going on for years, the schools have not been helping him. Please do not let him become another Phoebe Price, Sladjana Vidovic, Montana Lance, Jon Carmichael, or so many more. :(

Even a 9 yr old took his own life because of bullying. http://www.wfaa.com/news/local/Parents-appeal-for-end-to-student-suicides-101447429.html :(
I find the parent of the bullies totally useless in these situations. Where do you think they learned it? My experience has been that the school doesn't want to make waves with the bullies parents either.

I agree with ennui, he needs someone to talk to that will give him some strategies. Not that you aren't a good resource, but he needs to talk to someone out of the situation, a neutral party. They can also give you some advice.

My heart goes out to you and your family.
My dear friend, my heart aches for you! I saw him riding his bike home with someone and I was so hoping it was a friend, guess it was just a coincidence
I do know her son--he is a WONDERFUL, sweet child. He is kind and considerate, and a very handsome young man, and great at sports.
What he is going through is not good--and if you knew her son--and saw how brave he is trying to be--it would just break your heart.
So please--keep him and her in continual prayer---
My friend--my heartfelt prayers are with you!!!
Oh, that is so sad. He'll be in my prayers for strength. It is so horrible to feel all alone in the world. This post really broke my heart. I'm so sorry he's going through this and you have to watch it - it must be terrible to feel so powerless.
A huge amount of hugs to you. I have been there several times feeling like I am looking at the computer through a cloud of tears. My heart was breaking for you just reading your post. Hang in there.....and keep showing love to your ds, I hope things get easier for you in the very near future.
I hope things get better for DS! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I wish OP would give us more info so we could brain storm ideas.

With my brother we found a older boy who loved the same kinds of books. They got to the point they would talk for hours about books...but it was a start.
inm so sorry your son is going thru this my gs who is special needs goes thru this on a daily basis at school. its along story but end up in a real huge argument witht he principal cause they have a no bully policy thats so funny. the only way it eased up is because i threaten to call the police on the kids parents for harressment and threatening to kill my gs.......
my thoughts and prayers are with you hon. just make sure you keep a close eye on him and listena nd believe in what he is telling you waht is happening. dont believe all the teachers........
thank god i didnt............
I am so sorry love... I don't know what else to say. Kids can be so cruel. I wish I could take away both of your pain! I will keep you in my prayers... Prayer can be so powerful, but I know that when it is your child you want something NOW and something solid... You want me to come kick someone's a$$ for you?