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MyBB was voted the TOP free forum software of 2012 on forum-software.org


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After earning the best free forum software category of 2010 and 2011, it was preferred against other forums by 3.585 readers, almost doubling the score of the second challenger phpBB.
Although i use both MyBB and phpBB i can totally agree with the other users that voted for MyBB. One more reason to use free software and go with MyBB as the best choice.
It's really no surprise; myBB is by far the best free forum software that is open-sourced. Glad to see it, though - myBB has definitely come so far! I'm looking forward to the next version, plenty of awesome things in store from what I've read.
Man i love Mybb the most, other free forum softwares are not much comfortable for me :)
I don't know after seeing many Mybb forums i am so attracted towards this simple and awesome forum software. Great it won the voting again.
I really love mybb as it is so easy to use,The plugins are really easy to install and to me it is a free vBulletin forum,As when you compare both forums they have some simalarities. I would love to use vb on my general chat but everyone is telling me to use vbulletin
Agree with you mum, it is one of the greatest free forum software. Many plugins, themes, coders and developers :)
although not open source, I would say jcink forum software would be the rival to mybb.