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N Suck to Play Role in Star Wars

*cough* *gag* *sputter*

well at least they get killed off :evil:
Originally posted by DaJiminiator
*cough* *gag* *sputter*

well at least they get killed off :evil:

Yeah that was the only positive thing I found out of this thing, at least they get killed. I cant believe Lucas is doing such an idiodic thing. It almost makes me want to give up on him . . . almost, but not quite.
This had better be a joke. What next, will DiCaprio get a cameo? :puke:
as much as i hate them in star wars, it's kinda nice.

The boys got involved because producer GEORGE LUCAS’s 13-year-old daughter Katie is a fan of the band and badgered her dad to give them a role.

must be nice to have a dad that loves you enough to completely ruin a piece of this wonder legacy.
Well, they may be in the movie but I doubt they would have any large speaking roles. Maybe a cameo or just extras in the background (that one is much more likely). Just enough to say they were in it but nothing obvious.

I'm sure there are a few cameos/extras from people that are friends of Lucas or Speilberg somewhere in the movie. :)

If I see DiCaprio in there he better be in some alien suite so I don't have to actually SEE him. :razz: I can't believe he was actually concidered for the role of Anakin! :no:
Hmmm....Maybe they can bring along Britney Spears and Enrique along too...If they are gonna trash the movie (but also help ticket sales), shouldnt they go all the way?

Maybe Anakin would be listening to his iPod (Doesn't Apple love lil'cameos like in Batman or 'You've get mail'). Are how about those cool new iMacs?

Besides, com'on, Star Wars is not some artsy, high-class movie. Its just fun like the James Bond Movies or Indiana Jones.
crisis over then I take it?

lol@you all getting upset about it

(and yes you can shoot me now if you wish - I don't get too bothered about Star Wars, Star Trek or anything else with the word Star in it generally lol)
Hmm. Maybe George Lucas read this and decided to cut it :)
I kinda feel bad for the band (wait did i just say that??) but you must admit, awful casting choice.
Wheeeeeeeeee. I was just comming to post this. Im so happy, and I could never feel bad for N*Suck.