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Na$car is my favorite, but it has fallen victim to the almighty dollar.

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
I honestly never got the Nascar thing. Just a bunch of cars going in circles.
It's not even like they're going THAT fast, at least in comparison to Formula 1 or Indy.

From a driving standpoint, sure I understand it, but I never got the whole auto racing from a spectator standpoint.

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
Watching auto racing live is great. I love to feel the cars roar past the grandstand. I never could get into it on TV though. It is, like DD said, just a bunch of cars going around in circles.

uh yeah . . .
I've been to a Nascar Race before (Rockingham) and it was pretty awesome! You definitely lose something watching it in 2D on the boob screen, however. Still, if I've got nothing else going on Sunday afternoon, I've been known to watch them go round 'n round...

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
I've grown up with racing, so I guess I have the need for speed. It seems like just a bunch of cars running around in circles, but there's much more to racing than that. My most favorite are Sprint cars. We go to a dirt track in Middletown, NY where they run a Sprint type car, modified, and stock. Local guys, what a rush!!!!

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
I enjoy most types of racing but I guess my favorite is Winston Cup followed by Busch racing. I'm hesitant to say who I root for on Sunday's since I seem to get a lot of slack whenever I mention my driver's name...Heck, you've probably already figured it out!

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
Hmmm..Gordon? He's no longer an issue
Earnhardt? He's the master! When Earnhardt 1st started racing I really didn't like him, but I ended up being a fan, cause the man can drive the wheels off a race car! I guess I like aggressive men

I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.
I know there's a lot of stragety involved, but I still don't get the appeal. I've seen auto racing live (not NASCAR), but even then, it was too loud to enjoy.

Must be something I'm missing, because throngs of rednecks see something mystical in it.

I am Jack's raging inner child. Without me, Jack has to deal with the pitfalls of reality.
I think the rednecks love the fact that you can bring in your own coolers (just no glass) with all the ETHANOL you can drink. Ever notice that when the camera pans the crowd, almost everyone has a beer in hand? Now that I think about it, I didn't exactly complain when I found out I could bring my own beer!

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
I knew you'd guess right DaOldBroad! I've actually been rooting for him since he was driving Busch cars. That doesn't mean I don't like Earnhardt either (Heck, I like his son too--he's tough!). He's one of the best ever to race and I'd be crazy not to give him proper respect. I'm also a big fan of Mark Martin.
Bet you haven't heard of too many Gordon fans that like the Ford drivers too huh?

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
Being part redneck I must admit that although I don't exactly see the point in watching racing on TV I always do seem to pause on it when I flip past the channel it is on. It is kinda like a fishing show, no point but it always seems to mesmerize the redneck.

uh yeah . . .
Ah, fishing shows, that bastion of redneck intellect.
Brian Regan, a standup comic, once made the comment that, if you watch the credits, these shows actually have writers.
What the hell do they write? The witty commentary and dialogue?
"Hey Bob, she's a beauty!".
"Gee, that's a swell one, Bubba!"
Hi eminem, Glad to see an Overlord supports my belief that JG is definitely one of the best drivers going! Go 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."
I'm sure many people will disagree with me, but I really dislike nascar. If you are going to have "stock car" racing then the cars should resemble consumer cars. I love that in the old days Plymouth's superbird roadrunner came from the factory with a tall wing on the back because anything on the racing version had to be available to the consumer and the wing had to be high so the trunk would open. Does anyone really think that 1 part of the consumer Ford and the "stockcar" Ford is the same?

That being said I like formula 1 since the cars are not pretending to be fords or chevys and I like the European style road racing where the cars at least look like porsches or corvettes.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Hey gang,
I'm not much into NASCAR, but I do enjoy watching the pitcrew work.
It just amazes me at how much they get done in so little time. I watched one pitcrew competition where they put an engine together in about 5-10 minutes.
It takes me a half-hour just to change the oil...and probably a whole day if I had to replace anything major.

" I'll take 'the-rapist' for $200, Alex "
AAAHHHH!!! We are not rednecks! *looks in mirror* Well okay the missing teeth, straw hat, teased hair, cowboy boots and Daisy Dukes might have thrown ya off, but I'm really not a redneck! I adore Nascar Winston Cup racing! I'm a big Jeff Burton #99 fan - the hubby is a Dale Earnhardt fan. Every Sunday the races are on we're either here or somewhere it's playing. JB is 4th in points! Yeah!
You might not be a redneck, but you have to admit there is an innate redneck element to the sport. Not quite as bad as those mud bog races they show on ESPN 2 though.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing