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Nagging is a type of bad interpersonal communication in which one person repeatedly pesters or harasses someone to do something. Nagging often happens when someone does not believe in someone else's ability to do something or ability to do something properly.
I hate nagging because it makes me feel inferior. I try my best to avoid it but it seems like is inevitable in a relationship.
How do you handle nagging in your relationship?
I don't handle nagging. I can't deal with it. It's one of the things that I point out during our meeting before getting deep into the relationship. If you're the nagging type of person, we can have any relationship.
From my experience and observation, it's very obvious that both men and women all nag in their relationship. It's really a childish thing to me from my point of view. It takes away one's peace of mind.
I try as much as I can to let my partner know that nagging is not allowed in the relationship. When it continues, I have no option than to leave the relationship. I like my peace and won't let anyone put me into unnecessary pressure.
I hate to be nagged in any situation and I don't believe nagging others helps in any situation so it's not something I agree with in a relationship. I believe if you communicate with one another in a relationship and you let each other know how you feel in certain situations, it can prevent nagging from happening which can often result in problems in a relationship.
When my husband and I were dating in our teens, I told him I refused to become a nagging wife. I give him 3 chances to do something, correct himself, etc...and then I let the world know that he failed to do it, and it wasn't my problem. He didn't want me to broadcast to anyone that he failed to do his responsibilities, so he got really good at only being told twice.
I hate to be nagged in any situation and I don't believe nagging others helps in any situation so it's not something I agree with in a relationship. I believe if you communicate with one another in a relationship and you let each other know how you feel in certain situations, it can prevent nagging from happening which can often result in problems in a relationship.

Being in relationship is not really easy and I believe that it is part of the reason why a lot of people are not interested in being in any serious relationship today. Most people aren't honest and truthful in their relationship which causes a lot of problems all the time.