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NASA says Friday won't be doomsday


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Thanx for the site! Now I shall rest easy. Even if something horrid were to happen, what could we do about it? There are some things man cannot control.

I cried cause I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet.
Well if NASA says it, you KNOW it to be true!

^Alien^ -- Alien Soup Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]
Hmmm...I wonder if Saturn's moon Titan has Buckyballs?
Great sites.....Thanx

I cried cause I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet.
Yeah Rite!! They can explain away anything. A friend of mine is a ham radio operator & listens to all the transmissions between NASA & the shuttle missions. He heard them talking about a sighting that couldn't be explained. Then at the Space.com site NASA sez the sightings were vapors from the shuttle...puleez.

I cried cause I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet.
Do you want to approach the world's end from a religious point instead of NASA?
Well then we have to go to Revelation for that one.

I am afraid we have a lot more time to go yet before this world is over. Like maybe another 1,000 or so years. There is a lot more things to take place and they will get a lot worse than they are today before it is done!

At our house, cat hair is a condiment!
to tell you the truth, to think that things could get much worse than they are right now is a pretty scary concept. i really wouldn't of thought that we had that much time either. i was thinking more in the realm of 100-200 years.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
i do ...

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
If you believe in fate, then ask yourself this question. Why am I still alive. If you cannot control your live, then it is not worth living. Billions have died in the past and they all did not believe in fate.

I'll believe it when I see it.
i believe God is in control of our fate and i believe what is written in the Bible about the end times.

"it's easier to stay out than get out"
Then, by all means, repeat after me: I, (your name), am in total and complete control of my life and where it is headed. If you can do that, then you have just defied your beliefs and have been branded as an outcast of your religous group.

Good luck! But wait! Why would you need luck if you are in control of your life?
Contemplate these questions and search for an answer as much as you want. I'll just let you knew ahead of time that not all of lifes' questions can be answered.
I assume you guys n gals are grown men and women. \Therefore should know what exactly faith is and what it does for us. I could tell you what it really is and the truth behind it, but would you really want to know? Remember the philosophy about the yin and the yang before you decide to question me further.

Ooops! I forgot to include something. Here's something I thought of. Wise words are followed best when they are learned, and not remembered.
I guess I should be the one to yell out the word...
