Navy Calls for Court of Inquiry in Sub Accident


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
HONOLULU (Reuters) - A top U.S. Navy official announced on Saturday the Navy will convene its highest form of administrative investigation this week to determine whether disciplinary action should be taken against three officers from a U.S. submarine that struck and sank a Japanese fishing trawler, leaving nine people missing.

Adm. Thomas Fargo, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, said the USS Greeneville's captain, Cmdr. Scott Waddle, executive officer, Lt. Cmdr. Gerald Pfeifer, and officer of the deck, Lt. Michael J. Coen will face a court of inquiry at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on Thursday. Waddle was relieved of his command after the accident.

The court could make a range of recommendations, from a letter of reprimand to a trial by court martial.

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One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"
