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Need dog help!


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I am at my sisters house, we are outside and smell something horrible, like a skunk, but not that distinct skunk smell. Her dog is outside and comes in and reeks. Are there any other animals that spray? Molly is a golden retriever. Also, is it best to bathe her in ketchup, tomato sauce? Tia!
Is the smell getting better? Goldens are notorious for being smelly when they come in after being outside.
I don't know of any other animal that smells like a skunk. Maybe she didn't get the brunt of the spray so it's not as bad?

You can bathe her in tomato juice. It will be messy. **** works very well and isn't nearly as messy. (no I'm not kidding)

Here's a site I found on google - it has a home remedy you could try -

This is what they suggest -
Combine ¼ cup of baking soda, 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide and also 1 tsp dish soap and apply it to the infected area. Rub it smoothly for about 4 to 5 minutes and rinse until the mixture is completely gone. This effective solution on how to get rid of skunk smell on dog is made by Paul Krebaum. However, you need to be careful when applying it since it will be dangerous if it is get into the mouth, eyes and nose of your dog. You may need to repeat the steps if the odor keeps staying on your dog, but after that make sure you put on some moisturizer to the coat since it might be affected by the chemicals in the mixture. Well, good luck on applying the steps on how to get rid of skunk smell on dog then.
Omg, no she definitely was sprayed. We've bathed her about five times in ketchup and dog shampoo alternately. Joan, we're trying ur method now. Thanks guys
Just use a diluted vinegar wash.

For any long haired dog, fastest is to shave them. The oil often doesn't get to the skin thru those thick coats.
Good luck! I had a dog that was a skunk magnet. I can't even remember how many times that poor thing was sprayed. Such a horrible smell.
I am at my sisters house, we are outside and smell something horrible, like a skunk, but not that distinct skunk smell. Her dog is outside and comes in and reeks. Are there any other animals that spray? Molly is a golden retriever. Also, is it best to bathe her in ketchup, tomato sauce? Tia!

I had the same thing happen to my dog two summers ago. She absolutely reeked, but just as you say not exactly skunky. I actually thought the house was on fire when I opened the door to let the dog in. We googled how to get rid of skunk smell and used one remedy we found that consisted of hydrogen peroxide and the blue dawn dish soap, followed by doggie shampoo and cond. and it did take the smell away.

I also asked around as to what else could possibly caused this smell, someone told me possibly an opposum. When they play dead they can also emmit a "decaying animal" smell to ward off preditors. Don't know how true that is.
I take a 5 gallon bucket, fill with hot water and about 1/4 box of baking soda, one bottle of hydrogen peroxide (cheap at Wags) and about 1/8cup of Dawn. Works every time for me.

We had a husky that we washed with tomato juice. That got rid of most of the smell, but not as good as the above. poor dog was pink for week.
Good luck!!!! Goldens have two coats of fur, one long and one short. I have cut my goldens long hair and it grows back beautifully!
I have a golden and I am so sorry... the hair is so thick and I can not imagine dealing with skunk. Again, I am so sorry.
How did it turn out?
The peroxide and baking soda solution worked - thanks so much Joan!! the smell was absolutely horrible.