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need tips on making REALLY clean dremel cuts


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hello, just wondering if you guys could help me out here. this christmas break, i plan to cut a few blowholes on the top of my case, and i want them to be as smooth as possible. any tips on making them look absolutely perfect? i dont want to add rubber edging to the blowholes, i just want to make really really perfect cuts.
the easist way i have found is to hold the dremel like a golf club, but do not interlock your fingers, use your main hand to guide it and the back hand to hold it steady. DONOT cut in then drag it along like you would a saw. press it in, make the cut, and then take it out. Then repeat next to it. it will take A LONG TIME but it will look almost perfect and require little to no sanding.
for my HL² case we used a jigsaw with a really fine tooth metal cutting blade on it. We cut the circle and then we used some grinding and sanding bits in the dremel to smooth it out. It was alot easier than taking 3 hours to cut it with a dremel.
nice, i think somthing like your hl2 case would be really neat on a black lianli with orange ccfls
I went to home depot today in anticipation of getting a dremel kit, but unfortunately I didn't bring enough money. The cheapest one i could find costs 59.99! I tried to find a dremel without the extra discs, drills, etc., but had no luck with that. Where did you guys buy your dremels for? and how much?
Bytheway, are dremels decent for drilling screw holes for fans? If so, that'll same me a trip to a friend's place.

ps: the new layout looks **** sexy