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New Movies ive seen


Mastermind Talker
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i thought SOMEONE should be posting in this thread cause everyone loves movies
so anyways, i saw whatever it takes - you know, the stupid teen flick. i thought it looked kind of amusing
it wasnt. it was absolutely terrible. i hated it. and to top it off, the bottom 12 inches of the movie were cut off due to a stupid projectionist, so we complained and got a free movie ticket! so all in all it was worth it

final destination = good. very good
play it to the bone = bad. super bad
eye of the beholder = worst movie i have EVER SEEN
mission to mars = eh...pffft
romeo must die = I LOVED IT
except, theres nobody named romeo in the whole movie. so how does he die?
funny movie tho
kinda stupid
i loved it

im done
Romeo Must Die was a awesome flick, though not he best by Jet Li. I didn't like some of his computer enhanced kung fu moves. He is incredible enough without making it too unrealistic. Regardless great flick.

I hear Jet is going to be in Matrix 2,3
I have seen none of the movies you mentioned. However my favorite movies are

1. Friday
2. Tombstone
3. The Usual Suspects
4. 6th Sense
5. The Matrix

I am waiting for The Green Mile and American Beauty to be released on video.
Well if somebody else brought up older movies, I'd have to say I thoroughly enjoyed Shawshank Redemption and the director's cut of The Abyss.

[Edited by torvus @ April 28, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
I saw Erin Brockovich and that was a great movie with an incredible amount of comedy which will have you rolling off your seat.

I also saw U-571 which was good, but it lacked a few things to become great like Braveheart. Full of suspense and action; it was an exciting experience.
My old friend worked on the set of the abyss, it was a OK flick. I pretty much every movie mentioned. Worst movie = wild wild west.
First off, my top 2:

1) Chasing Amy
2) American Beauty

Second, what was up with the Oscars?!? I was appalled that Fight Club was only up for one Oscar (Sound Effects Editing), which, by the way, it didn't even win! I think the only redeeming thing about this year's Academy Awards was that Episode 1 didn't win anything...

oh yeah, Jim Carrey should've at least been nominated (although, Kevin Spacey more than deserved the Best Actor he got) and how come Run L<FONT face="Times New Roman">o</FONT f>la Run wasn't nominated for Best Foreign Film??

"Should I call you Logan, WeaponX?"

[Edited by nootch @ April 29, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
yeah WTF
being john malcovitch?
DID ANYONE SEE THAT?! i loved that movie 100x more than american beauty
and it SO shoulda have won for most original screenplay
it didnt win ANYTHING
what a crock of ****