Thanks for posting that, Proxy. I heard about it briefly on the news this morning, wanted to know more, and promptly forgot that I'd heard it.
The new planet is the 41st to be discovered outside our solar system recently. Three others were found by the University of Texas University team in Austin.
Yeah, Mth. Some of the first planets they found were several times Jupiter's size and also super close to the star. So what happened was that this monster planet spiraled in and gobbled up the mass of the inner system like a gigantic Pac Man.
They claim this planet to be far enough away for an Earth like planet to have formed in the CHZ of the star. If this is so, that makes life nearby, highly possible.
Someone should pump a message from Aracibo to this star to see if we can get a response in the next 30 or so years.
Cool stuff, huh? That's why I minored in Astronomy.
Alien - Administrator / Owner
["Everything was true. God was an alien. Oz really is over the
rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed]