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No Bake Cookies For Warmer Temperatures


Emerging Talker
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in my head - lol
My mom use to make these cookies when I was growing up and I have passed it down from my children to grandchildren. Try it and let me know what you think.

Melt in medium sauce pan:

1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
1 cup sugar
2 tbs cocoa

Bring this to a boil for at least 2 minutes or until it gets a glossy finish.

Then you add the following:

1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup peanut butter
1 1/2 cup oatmeal

Remove from the heat and stir. Quickly spoon on to wax paper and let it cool off. Ready to eat!!!:dance:
oh sounds yummy thanks!
I remember making these when I was a little kid. They were pretty good too.
Sounds good.......my mom made some kind of no bake cookies when I was a kid, I'll have to ask her if she remembers what they were.
These cookies bring back fond memories of my Mom. I was thinking of her because she has been gone 13 years now this month. I wish I had paid more attention to her cooking tips and her recipes.
These cookies bring back fond memories of my Mom. I was thinking of her because she has been gone 13 years now this month. I wish I had paid more attention to her cooking tips and her recipes.

I'm so sorry for you loss but I know how you feel. My mom will be gone 4 years on June 7th. She was a great cook and was always in the kitchen. When I was a little girl, I loved to watch her cook and help her stir and such but as I got older and got busy with my life, I lost interest in it. Now that she's gone, I so wish I could turn back the clock and just wish I could have spent a little bit more time with her. Or wish that I had been a little wiser and less self-involved back then and spent more time with her when she was here.

Hugs to you. And can't wait to try this recipe out.
I remember these as a kid-and some kind of one that used chinese noodles--don't have the recipe--but it was chocolate chips and chinese noodles--they were sooo good--
Mmmmm, first made these when I was in Brownies. Eons ago. I make them now without the peanut butter. We eat them warm and gooey.
could you use swiss miss hot chocalate for cocoa?
Wow. Flashback to my cafeteria in elementary school. We had a real kitchen with lunch ladies that made real food. The best biscuits, cobblers...and these cookies. So different from the trucked in and reheated garbage they have at my kids school (kitchen only Used to reheat food)

Thanks OP!
Looks like I need to wish for a deal on wax paper too now, lol!

Dammit ladies no tear-jerking posts in a thread about cookies!!!!!
I used Swiss Miss today. They turned out really well. I was out of waxed paper and used aluminum foil and they didn't stick.
I made these for the kids today and they loved them ~
Wow. Flashback to my cafeteria in elementary school. We had a real kitchen with lunch ladies that made real food. The best biscuits, cobblers...and these cookies. So different from the trucked in and reheated garbage they have at my kids school (kitchen only Used to reheat food)

Thanks OP!

I thought the same thing. Did your ladies also make the Reese's bars too? Oh yum!