No More G-Strings at French Schools


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
PARIS (Reuters) - French schools are cracking down on a craze among teenage girls to flash their midriffs and wear skimpy G-strings that peek brazenly out from above their low-cut trousers.

A number of head teachers in France -- where school uniforms are practically unheard of -- have slapped a ban on showing off thongs and tummies, the French daily Le Parisien said on Friday. "In the eyes of boys, thongs reduce girls to bottoms," former junior education minister Segolene Royal said.

"These adolescents are, sadly, a reflection of the society they are sold -- a society where women's bodies are shown off like vulgar merchandise," she told the newspaper.

Teenage girls the world over are sporting ever-lower hipster jeans, pierced navels and tattoos, and have been yanking up their barely-there thongs to show above their trousers.

Underwear makers in France report soaring sales of such garments to girls as young as 10.

"The thong has become a fashion accessory like a handbag or a belt. You let it show above your hipster jeans just like you let your bra-strap show," Le Parisien quoted a spokeswoman for the Dim underwear company as saying. Teachers are having none of it, however, despite squeals of protest from students.
:yikes: I NEVER want to see a 10 yo in a thong!! More I cannot say as this a PG website, but what are they thinking, and why are they thinking it? A little self-respect goes along way.
The French never had any self-respect. Only thing they seem to have is self-contempt, which everyone else has for them anyway. Let them do what they want to do, and let the rest of the world point at them and laugh.
sounds like the dress code at my school, not like it did anything though, to some boys, girls are just bottoms, thong or not