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I just picked up this game over the weekend. Has anyone else had a chance to relish this delectable experience? I really dig it because you don't need a 1Ghz processor to run it and it has a storyline. I've missed that in a lot of games. Yeah, I'm an RPG junkie. So sue me for liking to think :)
I downloaded the demo and thought that it kinda sucked. Not the game itself but the online part. I couldn't play for more than 10 seconds w/o somebody killing me. I tried for about a half-hour before giving up.


[Edited by bilgepump @ April 27, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
You know, I have to admit the multiplayer looked hella sloppy. Single player is pretty solid though. Sucker hasn't crashed on me yet.
I too am a fan of Nox. The game is a lot of fun...

Call me a sick creep, but beating those short, giggling critters upside the head with a wooden stick is hella-fun... beat 'em before they run like hell giggling off into the distance to pick up more rocks to throw at you. :)

Oh, and the effects are major eyecandy. :)

The multiplayer looked fun, but I... well... I get whooped on real bad. :(

"If your car is under control, you're too slow" - Parnelli Jones
If you like whuppin' on giggling monsters, you would love Revenant. Get that on your computer with a sound system that has a sub and prepare to get blown away. The sound effects in that game just amaze me. The lighting models aren't bad either. The bad thing about the game is how much the editor sucks. I could forgive a lot of things if it didn't suck so much. C'est la vie.
Well, I don't have a sub... I do have two beautiful Technics speakers (6" woofers) connected to my Pioneer amp, and two Kenwood speakers (12" woofers) with another amp for the rear channels. You should hear Grand Prix Legands coming at you from this set up.

Anyways, I'm back on topic. I just read a Revenant review... looked like a lot of hack-n-slash. The thing that really drew me to Nox was it's cuteness and humor. Diablo started to drive me nuts in those dungeons... ugh.

Compared to Nox and Diablo, where is Revenant? Is it light-hearted, or totally dark and serious?

And "C'est la vie"...

vie->...umm...<checking http://babelfish.altavista.com/ >...life?

It's the life?

Je ne connais pas. Je parle seulement français. Très peu.

"If your car is under control, you're too slow" - Parnelli Jones
fiero> The literal translation of c'est la vie is "Such is life".

"Qualifications for being a Moderator at Anandtech...? I think that you have to be 17 or under, and the lobomoty has to be total. Partial lobomoty only gets you Elite Member status."

Serendipity is looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer's daughter.
Close fiero, but DD is right :)
Umm, let's see. The voice acting in Revenant sucks, big-time. I can't say it has a lot of humor, but there are splashes here and there. Not much to say about the storyline, but it does have a map editor, so the game might be around for a while. Nox has more of a sense of humor than Revenant, but Revenant is more creative when it comes to the hack n' slash. I liked the idea of being able to use my game pad to play the game as opposed to my mouse like in Diablo/Darkstone/Nox. Firing Squad has a good review of this game if you want more information than what I could provide.
Now that's cool... being able to use a gamepad in an action-rpg.
I'm not sure how much more of Nox my mouse can take, let alone Diablo II.

I checked out FiringSquad's review... the game looked very appealing. When I finish Nox, I think I'll pick up Revenant. I probably won't have a free time slot in my pc game playing schedule until then, :) and the game ought to be a steal a couple weeks from now. Thanks for the tip!

"If your car is under control, you're too slow" - Parnelli Jones
Hey man, not a problem. That's what we're here for!
I dunno if it's worth buying... I mean, it's kinda like Diablo..
I would rather just wait for Diablo 2 to come out. Granted the game does have good multiplay...

"Gecko-In-A-Can... It's mmmm-mmmm good!"