NYPD Censors Media


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
Slashdot reports :

First time accepted submitter Red_Chaos1 was the first to write with news that, as of around 08:00 UTC, the NYPD appears to have begun removing the encampment of Occupy Wall Street. At 08:34 UTC the Mayor's office issued a tweet declaring: "Occupants of Zuccotti should temporarily leave and remove tents and tarps. Protestors can return after the park is cleared.". Around 09:15 UTC the first of several large dumpsters were deposited and the police began throwing tents and other debris into it. Reports also indicate that a Long Range Acoustic Device is on the premises. The police are using helicopters and physical barriers to prevent news coverage, but the Occupiers are streaming the events (if you have flash).