Oh no another Shoe thrown at an ex prime minister


Expert Talker
PF Member

Saw this just last night on tv here in Australia. It's now up on youtube. I gotta feeling that the guy who threw his shoe is a nutcase
Not familiar at all about Austrialian politics. But he didnt even flinch when that guy threw the shoe. I guess Austrialians dont have good aim with shoes. I mean Bush had to be quick on his feet when they through shoes at him:laugh:
Bush was really a trend setter and now the leaders from all over the world are paying for his trend
The guy was a different person. Here in australia we have a show called Q & A which is a political question and answers show.
The guy was a member of the audience and threw his shoes at the ex Prime minister John Howard on Monday night.
Nah the best was this..

purple prescot;
Or the purple condom that got thrown at Tony Blair at PMQ's haha
Nah the best was this..

purple prescot;
Or the purple condom that got thrown at Tony Blair at PMQ's haha

LMAO!!!! funny stuff. Oh man classic stuff ^^^^^

As for the whole shoe thing.. It's becoming a bit dull. It was just better with Bush.

I guess it shows how dirty politics really is... You end up becoming one of the most hated people out there.
Very funny.
Would have been funnier if the shoe had of hit the guy in the nuts.

LMAO!!! Ya true.

Maybe the next President/PM to get hit should have a guy aiming for the nutz. Imagine that.. watching a PM crouch down in pain after getting a shoe in the family jewls! Ouch!