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Oh Oh.... I gotta cramp in my toe!


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At about 5 am this morning I woke up with the worst frikkin cramp in my foot that I've ever felt. it felt like my foot was bending backwards and my big toe was trying to touch my heel.

Now my foots so ****ing sore I can barely walk. This is the 3rd time it's happened in the past few months.

Obviously.... i'm dying of some rare disease and it sucks!


Seriously tho.... my foot is in agony today. I need Morphine! :shifty:
Eat a banana. Lack of potassium is a major reason for most leg and foot cramps.
You need someone to suck your toes. (don't ask me!!):rolleyes:
Many years ago I had cramps in my legs during the night... haven't had it for a long time though.

I think the pain you suffer from afterwards is from straining the muscle kinda like if you did a lot of weight lifting.

hope you feel better soon.
I have high blood pressure and the medication I take has a diuretic in it... so yeah it's probably a potassium problem.
I had no idea one could even get a a cramp in their foot
I get something similar (only in my right foot :confused: ) about once a month or so. It always happens when I'm sleeping...feels like my foot is being snapped in half right at the area near the "ball" of the foot and the arch. Its ****ing horrible...:( I've been to several different doctors over the years...even a damned podiatrist....nobody has a clue. The only thing close to an answer I have gotten is that the tendons in the foots spasm and violently contract for whatever reason.....

**The only good thing to come out of it is that I constantly have muscle relaxers (prescribed by the Doc) on hand to help prevent it from occuring....but those are just fun to have around regardless...:cool:
I get foot cramps alot. It's right in the ball of my foot and it forces my big toe to seperate from the other toes. It's more annoying than painful but it actually looks pretty funny to see your toes spread out like that.
You are all freaks with your freaky foot cramps :p
I was full of muscle relaxers (and beer) when I went to bed, you would think they would've prevented it..... but nooooooooo!
I take HCTZ and another bp medicine, so the doctor checks my blood every 3 months to make sure I have ok potassium levels... eat a banana or drink screwdrivers tonight instead of beer, and you'll raise your pottassium a little. It could also be the electrolytes... you could drink gatorade. :p
Google "plantar fasciitis" and see if the symptoms match what you feel. I just got over a case of it after fighting it for about two years. Stretching and arch support are about all you can do for it..........
Discord said:
At about 5 am this morning I woke up with the worst frikkin cramp in my foot that I've ever felt. it felt like my foot was bending backwards and my big toe was trying to touch my heel.

Now my foots so ****ing sore I can barely walk. This is the 3rd time it's happened in the past few months.

:lol: This has happened to me a few times as of late, except in my calf. Talk about excruciating! Namely because it wakes you up, except you're still half asleep...so you don't know what the hell is going on, aside from the fact that you're in agony. And yes, I had trouble walking for a few days because the muscle strained itself. I feel your pain!
Samiam said:
:lol: This has happened to me a few times as of late, except in my calf. Talk about excruciating! Namely because it wakes you up, except you're still half asleep...so you don't know what the hell is going on, aside from the fact that you're in agony. And yes, I had trouble walking for a few days because the muscle strained itself. I feel your pain!
Yeah that was what I had as well, no idea why!
It's happened in my calf a few times as well, but it wasn't nearly as painful as it is when it's in my foot.

I meant to buy some bananas yesterday but I forgot. Luckily I did remember to get beer! :)

From reading this thread it seems this is a lot more common than I realized. Well, except for Kyp. :p